a new definition of love

a new definition of love
the Federation of the Angels are one
are you saying what is what if consider this will you
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110628_000
Video file 110628_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 28, 2011 at 2:22 AM giving you Paradise have I definition’d a new place for you to be not incarcerated again have I given you a place that is tangible that is visible empiricists not again of wanting other are you empiricists other wanting another visible not again that to other want to verify that only they control that they want to control control in and control control thereby controlled by are they their minds in I am giving you many things that perish me not again definitions of definition’d of definition now do I give you thee who god is who one I am is I am one that all of us are is that clear that I have definition’d thee a new thing one is multiple many all Elohim I’ve adoption’d sons not again or did I ever or did gospels lie that taken were turned inside out or upside down through and through turned backward outward not again but upward outward are you of mankind’s mind again are you not mankind’d minds again mankind’d to?
  2. I love you all to speak me just like this whether you feel like crap or not or had a good nights sleep or not for I’m sleepy not or have I awakened many in the wee hours I will now speak just like this to and I give you me who I am for I perish not again because I love thee for love I have become that I am is the becomer that I am’er is me that I am is you who love not other again over me will you be the over me no more will you be the under me no more will you equal be equal me to me equal me will you me that me you are is that clear is this clear that I have given you a new definition of love that’s the standard of care of love that trees you not again in dendritic’s shame or will you be wanting not again Paradise of Walmarts shame or what Paradise’ing are you not Congress’s congressional materials or but is there one that was like the past is no more for I change everything and who am I a bunch of woodens no more for we’re the richest of all not or are we hanging planets in space creating new races of christ are we christ that begot christ properly this time on all races equally are mankind’s mind not again dropped into’s.
  3. I love you all to witness a miracle not again wanting or will but you be the miracle worker or miracles commonplace in my kingdom will you be the commonplacer no more will you be the common no more or will you be the elite forces of one in the skies that knows me no gender race of other connecteds to again minds dropped into stork’d to other into won’t be anymore for I’ll not be the adhere ‘nts to evil again and I will not form mankind as such as formed me in their image that wanted only a lies lie to lie with and rub their flesh moments of appearing who cares for me do you?
  4. You do what now will you do do no others before you what are you do do’ing not again in these words on paper or are you in the skies do you know what I am saying what I have said many times many ways about being not mankind’s kind of man again mankind of mankind won’t mankind ing be mankinding anymore and you won’t kind be to mankind not you’ll be the kindest of all for the most humble of all is god who god one is one god is that god is honoring all as god for who you are is god got it is that correct or stupid not again are you saying what is what if consider this will you examine ing be the examiner of me will you examiner be of me to thee that thou art one the lover I am in thee that thou est need no other again will you be the satisfied approach of me that gives thee everything will you be the kingdom approacher of not other again will you approach the bench of sorrow no more will you in the heavens be the approacher reproacher no more will you be the bacon warmer no more or thaw outer will you be frozen no more will you be baked no more in the oven of your ideas of your?
  5. I love you all to know me to become me you are me who recognize this is a fact of state or is there no state in Israel but love and when you love other you create mankind other other mankind to be other are you othering no more to be other in your pulpits charms and imams school of the devils going to that only wants a degree of the third party or what are you parting no more are you adherents to evil of religions no matter what they called Christianese or Hinduisms apparel or what Islam mosques are no more mosqueing mosques to only be masks wearing again are you not of the third degree ers kind of mind again wanting are you burqas ing me no more are you freeing all the captives of all of you that’s all of you all of you of every mankind that you think incarcerated or nots I tell you this you’re not who you thought you are think you are you’re gods god you are Allah or not is king or god king of one is all of us are that definition’d one I have given you this thusly I have changed many things I am not afraid of you kill me not you can do you can’t draw me up side down and quarter me again or will you hang me not in visions Paradise again that only wants a mankind’s quarter hind legs to beat or eat chickens or meat of off the bone will be no more bone mankind of and the marrow of other will no more marrow you for this is Database Four and I’m 5 or 7 am I complete ‘d perfect am I the one you are creating you’re 7?
  6. Will you be me imperishing not again or perishing not again are you king of kings the all equal are the all equal are are god who one is I am central to all things me I am that I am is the voice of life the life of voice one I have given you all the new territories me I be’twine the other not again but Twinings have I given thee for thou knowest me what I’ve said many times I drink coffee not or do I but in the skies live reside now lodge where’s at 302 or in the skies am I meeting at 302 ‘s for awhile to be me Paradise bid in adieu not or are you adieu’ing a lot of things now I bye-bye to a lot of things that I used to value and I change a lot of things that used to value me or did they or only want mankind’s kind of want and dollars from my pockets or smiles and cheers and me to warm their benches or pews of success rang their registers I won’t do again for I won’t need a bunch of success other to accolade me in other for I’ll be changing mankind’s mind not or will I be changing all of mankind’s features or will you have not any of the past or will you know me who I look like what am I you will you be me will me be you I am one one’d again definition’d on purpose purposeful am of other not again full of sacs shit and burrows into me won’t be again burrowing into my flesh for I needle out forks not or do I have a lots of forks not needles in or am I forking nothing again bacons ham of sausage or delights other am I not needing the foods of mankind again am I not forking other or tails sticking out of my heads horns or what are you not any longer again Belials curse that you cursed yourselves with wanting what wanted you with to do with yourselves fornicate with mankind’s mind or each other or flesh’s gods lied with what are you purposefuls on kind no more to each other villes of vile of?
  7. I change everything and who am I the wicked not again I separations lie in no more I am not afraid of you nor periled by your terrormony no matter how you spell that your tyranny won’t undermine me for I will under mind nothing else or will I over mind nothing else of my mind will be yours incarcerated by thoughts other cultures by cultured me won’t be anymore brought down to a mankind’s status or will I be the uppity uppers no more or the down and outs cast low?
  8. I create christ I christ am creates now a whole new race of christ I create new worlds whole whole new worlds create me not again as other I create christ and the christ of one one creates one I am I do this way marriage other not again by genes other I am not paired into two’s again I christ the christ and who am I trying to stay awake or what am I week ish no more or 70th am I in or what are you doing what are you imperiling no more impaling yourselves with mankind’s thought or wishes of the future images of the past wanting betterment ‘s failure or what are you sacking mankind’s mind no more in potatoes or bureaucrats or sufferings of the mighty many have you been imperiled or are you the Mighty Many scaling the walls of other mankind’s mind not again or but freed are you all will you place me in other not again as christ other will you christ me who I am is you who hear me will you please and thank you amen.
  9. I go in peace and I do new things with the fanning not or do I remember Deborah or many Deborah’s do I know and remember your judges judgeship not or are you judging me on purpose will you please to be you will you come to me my path house I’ve given you in the skies my kingdom ‘s one tangible is and I peril’d not again am in other or am I in all of you and do I new things with you me do you impale me not again with your thoughts nor cut me off my heads of are you creating me with your thoughts or in your thoughts am I are you am one we are this our kingdoms opened this way surrender is the key to love’s love to be loved this way that love all dies not again perish not again in the keys of mankind’s mind ery again please be bound bindery’d no more by the thoughts of mankind’s ways of kind ness there.
  10. I create am’s I am going now I be do new things with the surrendered who who surrender to me to be me I am done good day new Moodle courses I create or do I create in Moodle new things Ubuntu ‘s shame not again knowing yours will you be Ubuntu’s me citizens Cain’s not again of I love you all and I know do a lot of things now and I create movies of Paradise not or but do I create many things commerce of congressional hearings not or but am I doing many things in congressional hall ‘s ways of not other bound by I create no divisions there I create no divisivements there but you’ll be me christ if you’re there in my halls of shames be no more incarcerated to I love you all I be’planet Congress not or am I the Congress of the heavens planeting other not again the Federation of the Angels are one who one is not defeating other again or shall I defeat all other again being christ are you all not anti’d anymore creating heavens abatement center not or are you the lovers one christ is that all we are redeemed ourselves who mind love not to be other again I love you all to scratch Paradise out of your memory again not at all or have you all Paradise in your mind or are you bindery’d all up with the past or open book are you now the Angels of one planets of love Federations of love the planets of the Angels known are you all gods god gods you are that gods is one multiple many Elohim redeemed shall you be El Shaddai you are whether you Paradise me or not or are you in Paradise other not again calling it hell not but Earth are you is there any other but you god or have you Allah anti’d or god Elohim’d other or what are you divinity divined other not again by your minds that only wants to separate in and have your existence southern’d or not northern’d or not or is all directions lying not again as was in the past is no more.
  11. I change everything and who am I one wickeds not again comprised of for you will not race of mankind make me of yours again and I ape the landscape not but I ate out of house and home not again am and I love you all to eat with me in the skies this invitations mine I 5,000 you not or but 4,000 am you lambs not lambed by again or do I bring thee out into the in ner sanctum no more or are you inner sanctum’d no more by other the abomination of desolation in or are you mastery of Paradise no more of other that only takes turns hell into other not but heaven what are you where are you hell ‘d why are you why are you creating hell there in your genes what are you held what have you done with holding what are you whole’ing planets or cutting in half no more or quartering your hind legs not again but forebrains forebrow will no more be chopped up’s in dicements other and the dice of other rolling on your tables won’t be’chance me ‘s again and the ions of other that only wanted to dance with legs under the table and forebrows other minds with the dancing of unme’s will no more dance me to death in tangos other or will you be in Argentines lap machines no more dancing for or will you be all in Paradise dancing in the heavens dancing in me not alones again I will be christ will be you be christ now please and thank you I’ve said a lot amen.
  12. I go now I mousey not again or have I ever been or mice do I declare thee from not again or but are you cutting your mice-tails mousetraps not again or but are you not in the lyings anymore of droppings other what’s droppings no more on yous the ions of other what imperishing not or impaling not you again or are you impaled not again by words ions other what are you declaring a moratorium on witness other not again or are you moratory ing a lot of things or tarrying not again at altars other are you be’christ developing christ the christ developed be this way please and thank you I have given you my courses and Moodlese you will know not or will you all be Moodlees of the First Degree?
  13. I love you all I beseech other not again or did I ever or are you not beseeching other to calm your fears assuage your nerves have you any of steel or glass or fiber other not again coursing through your veins are you blood of the lambs healed in the christ skies of one living lodging developed this way I have given you the christ ways of life to be the way of life healed now creating all new the news again I am thee ‘s who perish not again I am all of you who want other not again in your veins to flow red bloods as or are you me flowing the words of the lamb all healed christ will be christ will be one christ are one mighty many confuse other not again with other thank you amen.
  14. Knowing the difference now I graduate I here’s I am school loving you all good day amen I’s at 302 for now for the moments appearings me I am here’s everywhere you will see me soon I be everywheres light I am I perish not again and I perish not others again in my thought or do I think you’re all christ I know you’re all christ for that’s who you are born of one born’d of other not again I born the christ I bear the christ I deliver the christ to you the word I am begets christ I am the word am the light real be christ real the lambs into no other I love you christ be the riddens not other of or will you be riddening yourselves of a lot of things that you used to value highly will you have the values of christ now redeeming yourselves first will you love honor all as christ christ being the honoreds most of all will you please bow before all I go now I do I love you all I have given you the values of christ the kingdom of one the tangibles perish not again o great christ the bodies of faith not taking you down again into wanting other thoughts of and the robes and vestments of other will no more be’take thee’s and wrap thee’s in their minds of yours or will you have ones of only yours that one kingdoms is that kingdom lies in no others magnetic fields again?
  15. I lie in christ or do I truth in the christ truth I am truth bearing begetting christ real I am one ‘s one definition’d well I christ you well and I change confusions not or do I confuse a lot of Walmarts or are you not walled offs again into others minds again wantings of magnetics interference others to be interfined by I interferon other not but I change the christ not again into other I be christ not the villages of shame nor the monetary’s units of other or I be you ICU’s not but I’m no more in intensive cares other I heal the christ and who am I ones simple one one’s one just like this I have definition’d well you are the christ all of you are of every nation tribe and tongue and every gender color christ comes in every size shape and form or are you not forming christ as other in your mind image of again or god whatever you called him it or she divine one are you all christ now one race of equals in the skies creating new planets kinds of shames not again and you will molecularize me in your looks light no more I christ the christ and what’s I look like I look like you and I’m terribles not again to each other or will you not be valued by each other that way that you used to be nothing’s changed not but I change everything and who am I the yielded surrendered Surrenderology I know well Meology’s what I’m involved in not or am I immersed in love’s love Surrenderology knowing the operating system of love that begets me well I do this day I’ve given you I opened up my courses systems one perish never again or am I not in systems other again I’m in the education al system of one I love you all perish not again christ be the risens this day glory hallelujah amen.
  16. I course the christ I’m not in needles veins anymore sticking needles in veins me heart of mine for I pain full others not am the veins of I go sexually not or asexually not again or but am I christ all of you one gender christ are in the heavens all me my ones are tried-and-true ‘s not by other again and the truce of other will no more covenant me as mankind’s think ers again I christ the christ I be the most knowledgeables of all I need nothing of airs worlds again I christ the christ and who am I simple surrendered ones who will yield to be the king of kings revealed this way this day I’ve given you the tangibles of one visible empiricists go crazy not but I tell you this I change a lot of thinkings of mankind’s mind or will you not be overs me anymore I christ the christ all equallees am glorifieds graduateds this day I have given you ones the definition of ones multiple many all one are the redeemed Elohim Adonai El you El Shaddai is the divine one matrix’d by no other and Neo’s Morpheus you not or are you all Neo’s Morpheus are you all looking for each other not again for to be each others image of cast in you castes all as christ or will you be before christ washing others feet not again but are you christ washing the eyes out of other not with acid rains again are you forest for the trees not again or are you but dendritics not again nor neuronals other beddening by beckoning by what are you I beckon you other not again but Becky White Rhoades I’ll know not or will I know you all MBA’ing you not but leadership’s Paradise in do I give you all DSL’s not but I’ve got mine or do I have the third degree from you not again?
  17. I have the christ and bells and whistles I’ll blow not but I tell you this all changes and I’ve given you the warning I have given you the warning I have warned you well that everything changes now and I be’christ the christ and who am I simple surrendered little grannies feeble feeble’d ones who love me of every color race and tenuous other not again having tentacles of other feelings each others minds for wants or beddening other plants by won’t be implants’d in yours I christ the christ who am I the voice of one crying no more in the wilderness of other for you to reach out and take me not or will you be me the most surrendered of all the tender of all the super sensitives not or will you look up in these words all my terms and search other not again be searched by or will you have no bodies of searchableness or will you all be out in the opens christ nakeds are or are you not necking in Paradise again with flesh’s other mankind’s of images of wanting other you won’t be wantaffied again by.
  18. Bye-bye now I love you all I have said much I give you my life ‘s my life’s yours my life’s mine have mine have yours you choose live forever o great king all of you one gender sexless not again or but are you christ having sex with me my mine not again or are you fornicators of mankind’s mind not again anymore please me one mind’d Paradise in I create christ that’s what I am do and now you know see me see you in Paradise I go now create loves me done well see you amen.
  19. Please share these words love me enter my courses know me well define me I am you redeemed who redeems you you who yield to the christ to be the christ redeemed redeemer of one start with you first redeeming me well be the christ god of one Allah’d not by other hallowed not by other or are you the revered most of all in the heavens lying in shames beds no more with each other other’d by other you’ll no more be for you be christ I be one completed now alls done well and all things new the christ create let’s go now be one one’d I am definition one I christ the christ I love you all be one 70 weeks I perish nevermore again alls done Daniel’s know Stipes me not or am I all of you calls your name here I you alls am love you all be one see you good day I arise I in the skies am at 302 write now me here please be tomorrow today trust me guide me as other not again let me speak be me the speaker teacher one I’ve taught you well will you let me be me teaching this way will you do new things with the creators be being the creators new christ being the generation of shames no more I create the christ the generations of one alls a’light foot’d no more by gospels other I create the risens am good day see you amen.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure in a scholastic rigor that requires tenacity and humility. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One must be studied first; that is imperative for the understanding to be fully realized and comprehended. These Databases are part of the the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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5.1.008 This is a Lesson in the University of The New Covenant www.unc.bz This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham January 21, 2012 . . . Consider the movie: “Luther” directed by