THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham a video,News,video accepting this assignment – will you pay the price

accepting this assignment – will you pay the price

accepting this assignment
will you pay the price
the awards of love are awarded now the Angels of
what The New Covenant is about
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110624_000
Video file 110624_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 24, 2011 at 4:04 AM giving you me I Paradise lead you into if you will be me leading into it will you now that one I am you are who will be me unabatedly unashamedly now leading into Paradise not afraid of the mankind’s kind of opinion nor shamery of other for you are not shamery stick to’d again and stick-to of other will not stick to you nor will you be stick two’d to and the tude of other will not make you two or will you be one in the skies with me now in the skies now not raptured by other again or were you only a rapturous thought raptured in that had the thought of another coming after you for you or to you to make your life better or were there two of you or simply one divided that about reality you didn’t know what was do you know the difference now will you be not unafraid will you not be afraid now how are you reading this accepting this assignment or are you mission impossible (1) not again bowing out and cowering down wanting another christ of other to come rescue you and be saved to another planet or heaven memory of or had or have you any mystery of heaven or memory of heaven or have you only been mystified or petrified at the thought of going outerspace in suits other are you wanting no more things of other stuck to here’s are you willing what to do now will you be willing ‘s of will you will the no other will again will you write my words be my words speaking just like this will you not worry about a stray hair syllable or how perfectly you read write speak or listen or are you letting my words flow whoever you are no matter what education you’ve had will you let me educate you will you let me give you the vocabularies of one power of faith not again taking you down in other to be other waiting for will you not be the circum scribed other again nor circum cumferenced by other nor will you be the circumference other scribed by or will you simply learn my ways my paths of the righteous that has given you the path of faith no more to be in other to be in you of other will you be no more incarcerated in your flesh ‘s suit and the suit of yours contain you no more will you be bodyless will you be spaceless not again will you be space exploring out in will you be careful not again as other who only wants to protect a flesh rob a kingdom devour the crown of other will you not be that anymore who loves not will you be the lovers will you give your life for the lovers will you be not enamored with other lovers that only want to love a life of shame or down here only want?
  2. Will you not be the wanter that wants and wants more and more to be shameful and shame his want and her want shame or will you not shames wantings be petrifieds enamoreds in or are you on fire ‘s other not again or what being consumed isn’t anymore in your lust for each other what are you wanters not again lusters not again after each other will you lust not after the flesh again will you need any or want any preservation of other is no more thought of or what are you thought of taking no more for each other or you or are you each other caring for listening loving being the one that’s dead died for each other did you live now in the skies now timeless will you be he who sits on the throne of one she who eats no other again or are you all eating the mankind’s of flesh no more words’d of at the tables of one will you be where you devour no more each other by your looks stares wants or glares what will you be wantings no more mankind’s thoughts of will you be on the tables of one or at the tables of one will you all be on the thrones of one every woman girl and boy not needing a haircut or what will you be not worrieds about again what looks in your mores cultures were culturalaffied in your fy ers societies what will you affied be not again wantings of will you the affiant ones be damned no more by your defiance defiant ‘d will you speak me will you be me incarcerated not again will you love me not worried abouts others will you have any others not cross confusing yous again to fuse you with others fissions be normal or divisions will divide or will walk sheep and goats no more together or will you be divided ‘s now?
  3. Will you be in the skies will you pay the price cost what is it I am speaking this way I am the words learner of one I learn how to be the christ that I was all the time and I cost many things or cost many marriages or what are you marriage’d to no more the words of other thinkings of other theorems of hate or what besieged you not again will be will you be making recordings just like this who love me will you be making movies will you be writing lambs words of faith no more but to be king will you all every woman man boy and girl will you love them all you all loving all to be all in all ‘d now in the skies living not needing lodgings faith again that only dollars credit purview wants to prevent not but pour into their coffers and poor make all their concerned constituents not but are they doing a lot of things that they think not about in the future or the past is no more as was are you are or are you changing everything about the creators of faith will you not be born again or were you ever just dying going to grave ‘s sites robbing each other of your christship not again will you be doing that please will you read me write me speak me love me be me who accordeth me to not else and other be again?
  4. Will you christ the christ that you are wearing the skin of what are you preventing or prohibitioning not again are you prohibiting not the flow of the spirit or will you be one who needs no spirit of other intermixed intertwined what are you entwinings in no more are you faith lovers no more what are you religionistics no more perverteds of or permeateds of what are you pure the pristine christ are you will you be developed this way will you learn study my words please will you be the most humble of all will you be arrogant not at all anymore please no matter what stance you took on religion will you religionate the christ no more will you please be me who does this now and think about things like the past not or will you be moving around in the heavens will you be bodyless famous no more or will you be my body of faith loves no more of faithloves only or what are you loving not the faith of again in something else will you be the lovers of light that light the lovers is that is the lovers of two’d not other again I love you christ be all of you no matter how you spelled that for I spell you love is and I am love is given you all and I change everything as I speak I learn as I learn I speak I make notes many notes and note I do many things and come back to and study throughout the day nights evenings making many miracles happen do I now because I faith alyze no other again I am not analyzed by faith or am I not anal ized by faith again your faith won’t take me down in your words again of others authorities other for I will not be impermeateds other by or permeateds other will buy me not again on the open market or will I not be sold on the open market am I scot-free to all of you am I you that one is no matter what face we wear what suit’d flesh we seem to have on what are we seamless no more one of mankind’s divisivements developments no more developed in will we be the developed christ o christ in the skies will you be the most comfortable ‘s of all will you be in the skies loving lodging living there the life ‘s of one Andy Riley not but you know a lot of things have changed for I have told you many things over these seven years 9 8 or what 12 are you knowing or what am I reminding you have I of many things over these past months 11 or 12 are you reminding angry men not again to think this way (2) or what are you exonerating in courtrooms many or are you not courted by faiths words again charms ‘d by will you charming not be to each other that only wants a liars protrude sion protruding through yous to each other to reel each other into your words?
  5. I real you into others not again or were you in the real at all or were you just supercided or superstitious or stitious’d not to other will you be the supers or not I christ the christ and who am I one simple wooden Negro or am I not woodens in the terraces approach of other or am I simply me who flies in the skies will I be 60 8 Isaiah’d of are you knowing where flyeth thou now by institute of courage not or will you but have courage to be the christ will you courageous be in your suffering no more will you suffer it out no more to be on the cross of other crossed in others eyes or what’s upside down no more your thinking or crossviews terrace or what is terraced no more are you learning how to speak will you be the developed christ in politics in religion education government religionized no more governmentalized no more mentalized in no more in other will you be the mental cases no more of each other that only wants to bat er and bang around your words in each other or cages other confuse each other in will you not be the caged anymore down here on the ground no matter what lied thinking you were in will you not be the lies of faith carrying anymore germinating in will you be the germinating not fews many or will you be the many christ multiple by not other again thinking of who would come or alleviate suffering for you or will you just die and be the escaped artist or will you not want to escape the christ when you be the christ realized being feeling the christ love will you feel no other again for will you let a lot of things go now that used to demise you in its suffering or yours give you yours from its will you do no more will you be one with your suffering no more will you demise divide suffering from you or will you be the renouncer of the covenants me that charms no other again I’ve renounced the covenants of sorrow and I make no amends for mankind’s suffering or will I devour it all not again in my wants will I be the christ that redeems all worlds all the worlds will I go to them that one I am perish not again will I love enough who are you I am is doing this will you see believe ing not other again to perish or will you perish a whole lot of things that you used to devour sacred or not or were you knowing the difference between what’s holy and not are you the holy christ on the throne of one not vacating vacant again being yours will you be christ will you be teaching taught there how you teach learn at the same time will you speak me who learns this way being the one I am please and thank you amen.
  6. I go in peace and sleepy I am no more for I need energies of faith no more but I speak I have spoken this way for seven years 8 or 9 am I done I’m done I’ve just begun and I began anew or have I already all things change now all things changing now in your lives mine will you be the life of one speaking me just this way using terraces other not again to promotes or Terence Stamp’s or Julie’s Christie’s or what are you The Madding Crowd (3) not again will you the maddening crowd be not again who maddens each other or will you be maddy’s crown not again or will you all be who’s given your life for each other who learns how the christ is speaks this way developed will you be the speaking christ no matter how I phrase things for you or will you be the devourer of my words no more or will you be the studier ‘s christ will you be he who she is one is the divine matrix’d by no other again will you be christ developed this way will you learn educateds be educate the christ in all lands everywhere going throughout space not limiteds in territory time or gravities other will you be the situations Paradise in no more that only wants anomalies light exiles or exiled in to your faiths will you be not again?
  7. Will you faces of christ all be one I am is I’m terrified not again and you will not terrify me no matter what you do to me or try for I will walk or fly will I be christ the anointed Messiah all of you saying this knowing this repeating my words respecting my words being my words flavored not with other again I eat the christ not or do I but eat these words to release mine and flow the fount of faith no more will be’love me into its lair of harems other and the mosqueualizations and constituencies of other that wanted only congregations of their righteous as they had defined their righteousness will be no more overs me for I will be unders their feet shoes not again I will be christ and who am I the simple surrendered of every faith and tongue not other shall be in my mouth speaking words of other light that I don’t know the difference of.
  8. I speak the christ and I speak the love of one who loves all equally in the christ life of one being developed this way no matter who you were what in you thought you were or not I christ the christ the loves of one be the famous now the rich in other not or are you the richest in Babylon not again or how are you (4) receiving deceiving not my words again deceiving not yours’d by again what are you buying not again new things in Paradise not or are you creating all things new now in worlds other not again or are you but christ redeeming all now the regeneration’s here the new generation’s here will you be christ the new christ the new covenant’s christ that’s what The New Covenant is about all was all the time now time shall be no more overs you and under your feet will be all things who love is resides in the skies love is seamless with loves I am do this now please and remembrance other shall no more take you down ‘s again be the memories of faiths mankind’s of no more please and thank you good day.
  9. I love you all I perish not again I am new and news I am will you be the covereds over unders not or will you all be seens now I love you making the movies of faith the lovers of faith not again or faith-ites not again what will you be seeing the lovers that lie no more in charms other I be’christ the christ and who am I of every nation tribe and tongue that’s who I am all of you are one christ anointed Messiah be being now bee’d not by other and stung by others words you’ll no more be the adders of with each others lie ing faces of again be the christ the lovers of one who is me the revealed the crystal lovers of light generation’s here be it redeemed I am good day amen flow me well each of you everyone of you every day thank you I love you no matter what you’ve thought in the past be my lovers that lie no more with others be my words enraptureds in thank you thank you go from here today let’s go now’s the time regeneration’s here lovers of light be released I speak the words of release I release you and who am I one simple who am I one simple man or God are you will you be the one you are always were speaking now will you be to know listen redeemed the redeemers thereof will you be you redeeming you first will you please and redeem all other around you and everywhere that you go to now will you because you have died to all that you thought was real here?
  10. Will you please be enamored with no more else and other you will no more reelaffied be in again I christ the light of one I light the christ of one I am one I christ light am one lits now see you all faith changes now everything changes now and all that governments are no more the same or are all religions no more the same or is mankind no more the same?
  11. I christ the christ I am not afraids again be the courageous few not anymore many mighty come here study at my lap machines not again that make only leaders few in elites many for you will be the elite forces of one or will you be the christ whose life is been given for you all that you give so freely because the words freely you’ve been given to develop you christ into being christ will you be now the most famous of all the lowliest of all not again the loveliest of all to each other honor my words honor yours one’s words being the same we develop christ this way the vocabularies of one the kings the manners of known far and wide for we the ethics of love are incarcerated not in the values of other again we christ the christ that one is this day the Messiah redeemed in all of us we first us are the true love light lit in each others arms not again of flesh.
  12. I love you know the more know the real be in it developing it the christ is I honor you all good day amen thank you for listening being sharing these words writing mine forever and a day the new day’s here folks all begins again thank you I love you all honor each other love each other as christ being christ THEE christ the christ the christ you are truly real and now you know the difference a day makes a phone call will you make one writing me will you write me you have my name and number I am seven equals on in the heavens I lie no more on the grounds I seamless am the one many multiple perish never again thank you I never stop do I the words flow and loved I am love I am for I release yours I create love’s love and the awards of love are awarded now the Angels of alls one family’s mine ones mine mines all scot-free I give you me and perish nevermore again I love you see you later.
  1. Consider the movie “Mission Impossible” directed by Brian De Palma (1996).
  2. Remember the movie “12 Angry Men” directed by Sidney Lumet (1957) and the movie “12” directed by Nikita Mikhalkov (2007).
  3. Consider the movie “Far from the Madding Crowd” (1967).
  4. Have you read yet the book “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason (1955)?
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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