THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham a video,blueprint of christ,News,plain clothes christ,video you are to be at the king’s table this way every night every day

you are to be at the king’s table this way every night every day

you are to be at the king’s table this way every night every day
the blueprint of christ
all be one ing now
what you are
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110625_000
Video file 110625_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 25, 2011 at 3:15 AM giving you new life new me I bring you now in clothes other not again or am I a plain clothes christ that I am now clothed not in other again am I the seamless christ one that’s brought you many words of love in many lessons many nations I go to now explaining or expounding not again as other am I christ in your nations all of you are who understand these words these things that I’ve expounded on not or am I expounding in your pulpits not again of other on other grounds not pertaining to or am I ground-up in your devices not again that only wants to mankind you me or me you ing not another again am I one that sons of a bitches make no more out of mes am I mes all the time were that now is timeless shall you be the timeless ones that knows not anti-thing other again will you anti-thing other not again in your veins anti me not again for I will not be Auntie’d as in the past or Uncle’d as other again and I will not cry foul or will I cry a lot of things no more like I used to will I be used to no more will I no more be used to used to I will not be used to in the future that the past was used like nor the past used like the future was or tense shall be all changed now shall the tense of the future be tensile’d strength not by other again strength’d by for I will not need strength of other again for I will walk the mankind of line no more and no more will I walk the man kind of line that only wants me to stay in line with its thinking and thinking its of other shall be no more that separates lie ‘s unto and untold others I’ll be no more of that only wants to tell a lies repeatedly and repeatings I won’t be of others or will I be on your lips will you be phrasings will you be me completeds will you be graduateds in the skies will you be Lord Jesus of other not again seeking or skies’d other wanting a romance of with sky kings grace or what ever or will grace you off its feet or its you give you of rings other to be’Jaguar you no more will be in XKE’s riding or will you be along Esalen’s streets no more (1) or will you be in the skies nakeds Lord Jesus not again wanting or will you be the skies wordeds others not again or will you live where’s in the mountains mountainous regions not of other again or in your brains will you be no more incarcerateds to will you be out of your minds no more again or will you be in christ minds of one will you minds of christ oh be all of you that one is all be one ing now the family of christ all known this way is does it this way does it make sense to you now that I have been assuaged with other not again or was I dissuaged disparagingly not again or was I altogether sinnerfully not again sinfully made by you that separates me unto it you thinking it?
  2. Separations lie no more is curse ing me for I am not separations lie lied in and I will curse not the rantings of mankind’s kind of mind again and the kind of mind that only wanted a mind of other and a kind of man that regarded ‘s it as such will no more be in me calling the shots for I will not be shot and pore’d by you and capillaries other will no more carry my blood or will I speak just like this will you be my blood of no other carrying blood for me out the door or pouring it on the ground by your side ‘d ones for your side will not matter not or will it not construct me as mankind’s scaffolding wanted ‘s to?
  3. I be christ all of you one christ is who loves me who flows the word speaks the word of I am that teaches this way I have courses that bespeaks the christ of the christ is developed this way that lets not testimony be other not or will I let all the separations lie unto themselves that wants theories and theorems unto other that want to theoryize themselves and fell themselves all over the ground agains against me not shall be or shall I be against them not again or shall I be again’d and again’d or shall I gained be no more that was other shall I burst out of the postletude of other or postleship of waiting shall I be apostles in waiting no more creativitors light or creators light will you be the light that never ends the creators life of one that never-ending immortal is the light of one will you be blue green not tuded not or will you be all colors spectrums looking up will you be wavings not again will you be christ will you be every color no matter how you’re recorded how better quality you want seek or not will you be learning me video Paradise in or blanks not again cartridge’d inks of will you be changing a lot of things for a lots of people now the lives of other they won’t lies’d in be lied again to to make them other for I know the christ and I who I am is one I am is I am I am is one I am is that clear?
  4. Is this that I have given you clear and free have I charged you a cent to know my name or be me speak my words or have my Paradise opened unto you will you be me who lays all before all will you inviting all to your kingdom be will you opening be to all your Paradise all to who will come unto me and I will give you Paradise or will I seek you not again as other will you be developing me who I am the voice of one whether you like my beard or not glasses or not or will I have none or will I be bodyless or sheetless not again or three-sheets in the wind not again but three ships I’ll be sailing seeing not or will I be in the skies commanding fleets of Paradise other not again in my veins will be for my veins will be christ flowing the bloods of the lambs this way that I am christ ones is perfected perfects is I love christ you are that’s what you are that’s what I have called you christ being now elemental not anymore in shames words vocabularies of others again for I will be christ no matter what you call a christ or Allah Buddha or not no matter what you consider call or not I call you christ and I consider you worthy christ to-be to be not in waiting anymore for I christ your lamb or will you develop it to be the king of the christ will you be the christ on the throne of the one king that all of us are the ALMIGHTY KING OF KINGS that one all are in the skies not living the life of shames anymore that only wants molecules of alcohol other or numb ing agents or agentize my life no more with other for I am the life of one who lives in the skies not the lies ‘d of other living in again and the moments perish not or will the momentums lie not again to give me actualizations of ceremonies other time tunnels in no more thinking linears Paradise equals other not or will I change everything bout what you’ve thought about time is no more over me for you are not over me in any way thought shape or form for you are not forming shaping my thoughts again or am I you changing everything about what I thought in the past as you was I am or was I am you that thought differently back then or back then what is not again programming yous will you be christ used not again for others use full thinking?
  5. I be christ and I MP4 you not or will you be apples shame no more or bitings of the other trees not again words will be off of or what are you growing me oh MP4’s not again or flash or videos equal ing me will you equal me being me are you all me who I was all the time giving me me am I you will you mimi other not again or bah-bah black sheep or worry about other will you be christ be equaling me to be me I am requested you are to be at the king’s table this way every night every day I be’wait on thee will you wait on me no more for you are me waiting on other not again to mothball your Paradise will you be me without moths eatens brains again or what are you molecule ing Swiss cheese no more or are you rats in Paradise no more ratting for each other or holing for anothers batters cage or golfers lie in others belchers not or what are you belching no more again or are you christ all in the lambs slain not again the seed of lies’d other forming you will you form the christ explicitly implicitly not made by other again or are you the implicit explicit explicified now are you the expounding christ expoundeds upon that all expound on other not again expunging all other from your recordeds memories or are you simply mes who knows all the difference what is light from light being light will you light the fires of no others again nakeds of or are I seeing you all thoughts as is what you are the thought of no more of other?
  6. Are you christ seamless will you be in the skies developed this way in the courses of one I give you Enter Me Paradise other not again as other all be one I am I am 70 weeks will you understood be please will you understand me who understands these things will I given you have I all these terms plainly scot-free will you be looking at mes I am the satisfieds altogether in Paradise now I love you all and I go now I’m done I do new things with who the surrendereds all lie in Paradise no more of shames other for I be nakeds interests not but I’m not your cloth’d formed by your words again in lies other I be christ in the new ‘s other and I’m not noosed in your words again I am the news creations I am fully me’ds in Paradise christ are developed this way I give you me and I give you what me me’d one fully before you all to call you all to christ be not the waiting for other again.
  7. I christ the resurrection’s christ now be the christ’d christ christing all christ are all of you are one Elohim redeemed Adonai El Shaddai that’s what we are who called to be where doing the fathers business all about all throughout the heavens I’ve given you all I am want nothing ever again similitudes of and I equals other not but equallees I am singlees on Paradise seven mes on equals be I Jesus you not or do I God you not to be other I guide you not to be others words guided by again I christ the christ the fully developed one ‘s before you all to christ you all in your kingdom’s one be the magnetics other not again I love you all I christ you all I love you all and you be who you choose to love be in Paradise this night this day creating new ones far and wide I give you christ I give you me be me who christ all christ now is the time you known now the time times over times new I all things create new now is that clear?
  8. I create the news I’m it see my channels of suffering no more or did I ever create them or will you be seeing me now everywheres I change a lot of things I change everything and who am I one simple all simple the christ developed needing nothings of the atmospheres of other again and I swing dance other not but do I swing in the skies as apes not again or did I ever or do I flies now and creates not other again to be other in wantings I christ the christ and who am I one ‘s simple ones who love the Lord of no other creating other again for I am the Lord of life or lies not again or flies not again (2) or am I the Lord of flight other not or am I aerodynamics other not needing again am I aeronauticals other engineerings not or am I drawing a lot of blueprints now have I given you the blueprint of christ the paradigms of christ the schematics of christ and the schisms other won’t schematics you in theirs to separate ones in ones again that make two’s of theirs.
  9. I christ the christ I be genes’d of one love you all see you later I go I’m done I cross the tudes of no other again and the eyes of no other shall be crossed again but I cross up many things not or do I de-cross everything now I change upside down the worlds or do I reveal the christ simply I reveal me I am one become you are that I am is become the one I am is this way I have told you many things very simply especially lately don’t be late again for my courses please Enter Me now’s all of you ones one family’s of christ all ones are that one is me loving knowing all of you are we are the ones christ is christ’d now be I love you all good day amen.
  1. Consider this reference to the movie “Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice” directed by Paul Mazursky (1969), first mentioned in 3.2.163.
  2. Consider this reference to the movie “Lord of the Flies” directed by Peter Brook (1963), mentioned in multiple Lessons, including 2.7.010 and 3.1.128.
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the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will learn how to learn this way.

University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously and given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowship of One meets now at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma at 2pm on Sundays – and will soon meet each weekday.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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