will you have coffee with me

will you have coffee with me
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110606_000
Video file 110606_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham June 6, 2011 at 8:27 AM and I am doing a new thing just bringing you a new cup of coffee not or am I having mine while I’m talking with you I am and I am teaching you I am I am is you I am is you who read this hear this study this these words this day watching this video or being not inhibited intimidated ‘s anymore will you have coffee with me tea with me will you have your words with me will you be doing new things with me that I am is you that I am one not perishing again will you be me with oh cups of coffee in your hand having with whoever you’re with speaking me will you be this way will you be doing new things whether you like me or not coffee or not in your hand or not or what is in your hand your head speaking what is your head speaking your hands of not other putting you to plows other to reap sow for them or whatever are you not sowing again ever in fields of other or are you reaping the harvest a harvest for me are you not harvested by other again crops’d of being waiting for or what are you culminating the christ in completing the christ will you be the christ the pattern of one who has coffee with me being new things new creations will you be the christ born agains all of you will you be me making videos recordings new movies new things doing whether you have cups of christ or not or will you not be anti’d anymore clinging to the things of o’er the past will you not be the past’s past again will you not be pasted into the past in the future what is the futures tense of you or will you not be tense again worrieds about anxiety having will you be me who’s worried about nothing will you teach me how to being sewn not in other by others words yes I will who one is having a conversation with myself not or but am I teaching the way the voice of one works through you or you are beginning to understand the new beginnings I am the new christ or New Covenant was I all the time that speaks like this through anyone any man any woman boy child girl of the First Degree will you be now knowing me who I am the christ that speaks this way the voice not incarcerateds in a book of other or are you the book loosed with seven seals on not again will you be me pointing balls other not or what are you balancing no more on your noses have you any for anyone else’s business or are you in mine the kings of kings will you be in the heavens drinking coffee with me this way or not will you have what will you have what would you like to be do ing what are you this way my way not or yours or what highway is open the 3-D in the 3-D into the heavens all knowing infiniteless no more infinity’d are will you be?
  2. Am I trying or doing new things am I have I come with coffee before or spoken about coffee many times am I going to Oklahoma City or the heavens in Tulsa are you starting to come now are you breathe ing the air of me will you that needs no oxygen in it again of rich ness other or are you the poor of other not again will you be me doing new things toasting other not or will you need no toast of other will you be me with black coffee or charms ‘d no more of other milks what are you the meat of the word or meatless are you having my words for breakfast this way speaking speaking this way will you be intimidated no more charms’d no more by others will you be saying thinking new things?
  3. Will you be teaching the manners of the king learning this way that teaching learning is leadership is leery of not other again or are you Timothy’s Dalton’s or Saul’s to Paul’s turning or Jesus to christ becoming are you me will you learn technology ‘s dream by not again will you be dreaming by other not again about what mankind you are or mankind’d not again what are you doing having me will you be my words for breakfast dinner lunch will you have any but me will I be in the heavens your words everywhere’s now everywhere at all times will you be speaking me not editeds by your own minds wanting minds’dness by others will you be me creating new words will you be rigid me pores not anymore again poor’s of standards other?
  4. What are you transcribing what are you transcriptionists being for your words or mine or are they one ones ‘d released will you be in the heavens will you be now not waiting for death-other or death to the ego will you be ego’d would no more will you ego not reign in egos palaces of charms again will you egos light not be the difference will you be knowing who will speak me this way come into my presence will you be my presence holy and unabated no more or abated all will you be the penalties of no other establishing or blameful free or free blame no more again anyone for anything will you be your christ you seek first to loose will you be free forgiving you yours first will you forgive your christ first that is in you this way will you forgive all others succeedingly or who are you seceding the pattern of one not from or succeeding are you in the christ being the christ the one that is the patternship fulfilled that gave you the pattern of one will you be having coffee with me or teaching me the manners of the king at the table of one will you be prepareds for will you prepare for me every day will you be me not worrieds about other again will you be me extemporaneously speaking just like this prepareds for not other again or will I prepare you for life ‘s unabridged again will you be the bridge to the heavens that others walk on no more as others or will you be me simply studying these words flowing these words like this that I have given you in Database One Two and Three are you knowing now Four opened mighty are going to Paradise in constructing it are you you in you will you be now me that I am not put out of my palaces again or was I wore one did I was I you all the time that ignorant not again is now?
  5. Will you be christ am I explaining things have I explained over and over these seven years 8 or 9 dozens will you know be coming me now in the Fellowships of One this way who record many miracles or being them not abated by other again or will you be the christ that forgives all blames all not again for anything no matter what cultures societies witness you have that confirms other or corroborated others will you not be studying the voices of one or will you be writing about the christ without punctuations required or needed or how do you speak will you let be the surrendereds you are to be with studying this way will you be the surrendered king o christ will you king o christ all of you will you be the most honored of all all of you are will be now understanding this these ways of the king christ are king’d now that all one is knowing the patternship fulfilled be the pattern of one patting no more of other on my knee I’m not placated others waiting for vigils other to be over for I am overing other not or am I calling a lot of things over and done with will I not be used for used’s again?
  6. Will you be me who tongues other prophets not or will you be used by others words not again for their profits or will you be me who flows the words of christ not worrying about offices other will you be the office of christ christ bearing will you christ be the delivereds christ christ will you be delivering to you redeeming you first that you were all the time was will you be no more of other will you be studying these words listening to them having drinking coffee with me will you or not or whatever you charms light in no more will you be recordings me just like this studyings how in Moodle’ees charms not again or am I going to a conference of christ in Oklahoma City or Tulsa am I living in the skies knowing the governorships of all or are you not governed by other again but christ are you all the king of kings the most humble of all honoring all most of all or loving all to be honored will you be the tested will you be not by papers answers on or christ will you be 24/7 speaking the words of I am I am this way I am I am you are I am I am I am’ing all I am this way I am I am’d understood now you’ll be Meology’s charm not in again or were you ever only charmed by other?
  7. Meology’s will you be set free now the meon’d by other not again me on seven times or me on others lapse not of brain not again heads of or will you be headless no more again studying other will you be christ all of you please flow set me free who I am is you in you the real I am is you I am that one body is of love personified in love the persona of love all will be known now who love is you me one am I am this way I am’d this way I surrendered to be no other so who am I christ you are learning being understanding understood or not right now will you write me to understand will you write me pick up your pen and write me please write me addresses other not or will you know mine in the heavens will you be mines in you my mind ‘s in you that was all the time now yous be set free please and thank you amen.
  8. I bow before you all and I do new things just like having a cup of coffee on the first video or is this not my first video I’ve done hundreds not but about 100 not quite almost or what are you almost not persuaded in again or am I not trying to persuade you again or was I ever or are just others trying to dissuade you not again from being me will you be the persuaded christ not again of other will you be me the surrendered christ who lets all things be christ having new will you be the new covenant‘s mine find me will you be me lettng my words flow just like this please and thank you amen.
  9. I bow now I go and I do new things with the surrendered who are all of you who will perish not again knowing eternal life before you die will you be open to new things will you understand the Scriptures inside you are will you be not other’d by other will you study these words this transcription that I transcribe now flowing me will I post the transcription this way?
  10. Will I speak with the words being me I am the word ‘s of no other again I am the worded words the words set free this day the christ is this way I have given you the keys of christ the flow ers of christ be the dams set free no matter how you spell that will you spell that no more no longer in your minds as other will you dammed up be no more damning each other will you set free the christ in the heavens be all things new knowing now will you be the teach’d trained of christ will you train not the christ in the temples of other will you train the christ will you be the developed christ all of you that develop christ this way at the tables of one where I sit in the skies is freeds and no one can contain me or write me other not or are you all writing me be the perishing no more words of christ set freeds this day with coffee free’s are doing new things new ways whether you have tea or me or will you have me or be me will you be me please all of you no matter what you have looked like to yourselves or not no matter what anyone calls you or not who’s calling you who I call you christ I call you all christ for all christ I set free being the patternship of one fulfilled completed this day be me who flows just like this the river set free ‘s and the dams of life no more will damsel me in its words of distress for I am not distressed’s anymore and I will not stress you not or will the stress ‘d bridges crack again not or will you be the bridge in the skies or will you be the skies’d no limits will you be in galactospheres free universes other healing all are you willing to be new peoples creating will you be the creator of all things anew cyclic nation studying will you know Database One how to look up in these words please being the Fellowships of One in creating my schools this way know the tableships of love the ships of other not fooling ‘s with you again for you’ll be the fools’d of no other again be the christ this way at the tables of love who record mes just this way?
  11. I am’s speaking just like this with love in my arms with arms of no other for other I have the christ I am the christ that’s you revealed this day this way the day ‘s one ‘s here folks day one’s here the day is you creating it you the christ being the creator of all anew alls anew now think not like other again all the past is finished done with and what will you be doing wearing new words not charms’d of by other search me out in be me the voice freed and wilderness of other you’ll no more be stuck to gravitationals charms again be the christ thank you good day.
  12. I go now I’m done for now I record others not or will I record many or teach you this way to record all I am doing in the heavens will you be being the doings of no other again be the christ at the tables of one the Fellowships of One creating I am all everywhere’s and you’ll be knowing all the ceases of christ not again for christ cannot cease christ will be freeds and whoever ceases you try will not be successful for you’ll be the successors christ of not or will you have seceded no more to be anti’s will you all be christ you always were now you know who you are what why what are you doing here redeeming the christ that you always were redeeming you first will you be flowing the words of I am I am being taught this way love you all explained a lot I have I have much everything the king of kings limitless will you be honoreds are honor is given to all of you for any reason every reason?
  13. I christ the christ that’s who you are I bow before you all giving you all a new day or are you giving me life I am the voices of one the voice of one that all one is we are creased by no other again ceased by no other again we are the seizings of no other again we are the let surrendered christ we let all things be or will we create all things anew revealing the christ we are all one brethren one blood one family all everywhere’s now and the divisivements of other that only wanted to select religion in us be religion’d others selected by others words hearing to be otherfied’s christwise will no more be and the wise of christ will be christ and the wise will be otherwise’d not again the wisdom of christ never perishes again for I let surrender be the surrendered christ be will you this day all of you having coffee with me serious not or will you be the lightest of all bright light white light energies of others not needing again?
  14. I christ the christ and who am I the simple surrendered who speak like this who aren’t intimidateds at all anymore to speak the christ be at all times me I am all times over and times not reigning in my temples at all anymore I christ the christ times done I am I christ the christ and who am I the simple surrendered every boy every girl of every nation tribe and tongue and men and women of menkind will no more mankind me to be them all that’s over and done with.
  15. I christ the christ all things new the everlasting covenant’s me I am revealed in I am the christ that you are reveals this way will you speak perish not again I go now thanks for sharing having me will you be I love you all loving the christ enough to be the christ in the heavens not incarcerated in your words again incarcerateds by free the christ please free the christ and thank you all let all be christ the surrendered christ in the skies anointing anointed Messiah is all of you one is the patternship fulfilled completed this day announced pronounced claimed by no other again this is the real in the real be the christ fulfilled the patternship of one Jesus christ you are one that he became you are all one genderless be the christ I’ve said much fulfilled I am this day all prophecy’s mine I give you all things need you other again ever be molecular fieds never again but seamless in me all worlds are just mine my mind knowing I have one who all things have not incarcerateds again in bodies are.
  16. I love you all christ be the risens this day glory hallelujah glorifieds are I christ the christ and who am I Theodore Joseph Cottingham or am I you the voice of one speaking through the voice of all who will let surrendered be being the christ I am set free this day in all of you the king of kings are that’s what I am thank you explained a lot teach LESSONATE record speak love honor be good day set free amen.
  17. Going gone arisen free new things doing with new peoples be set freed this day I call you the free I call you the christ thank you please be the free be the christ that redeems you first honor all blame no one love all honor all the ethics of the king knowing the standards of love the writings of one be let forth free this way thank you I’m done good day let’s do new things together in the skies shall we the rapture’s today be the raptured king enraptured with no other or will you be the risen christ this way must you train learn must the vocabularies of one you know set free in others be not ensconced in again be the free christ freeing all christ to be the honoreds christ I am and who tests who?
  18. I search I surrender the christ to be who I am that’s all of you the estate of one estated no more in other the First Estate of the crown of one wear mine forebrow’d by other not again christ be the risens this day all I am I am’s teaching this way good day the ways of christ have me be me beaming me loving loving all enough to have died to all else and other love me create new worlds be the christ glorifieds this day amen I’m done share these words love them love me be me let the voice of one cry in the wilderness your wilderness no more be the christ palatials be the christ crowned this way this day all of you are I am one thank you see you we’ll do it again we’ll do all things new who surrendered are let the christ be you I am loved this way I love all equally be the equallees christ loving all equally this way that changes everything be assureds I certainties am certain of other not again I christ the christ I love you all be seamless redeemed this day amen.
* * * * *
the words above were spoken and then transcribed by theodore cottingham, one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma, teaching all to speak the first-person words of christ who will
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa Oklahoma 74112 USA
The Fellowships of One are fellowship groups to study these LESSONS that have been spoken extemporaneously given to all of us opening up a new way of life not dependent on the past. This is the Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Chapter 1 of The Fellowships of One meet now at the University of The New Covenant at 302 South Sheridan in Tulsa Oklahoma.
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files. Thank you for caring, sharing, and becoming the christ you always were. One be.

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