THE NEW COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham a video,News,video The New Covenant’s here folks

The New Covenant’s here folks

The New Covenant’s here folks
The Everlasting Covenant established here is
write your lambs book of life now
will you write the plan
the real you
I am one you
in force field one will you be
be me numberless among the stars
creating all the halls of light
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110520_000
Video file 110520_000v
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham May 20, 2011 at 2:14 AM extemporaneously speaking the words of christ are you now transcribing them after you have spoken them like I have that I have given you 3,000 LESSONS in being christ do you know that I love you and I have given you me over a period of time or years are you developing cultivated by no other again are you the christ created cultivated by christ that refines christ into one being one that I am the manners of the kings knowing being the refined elite of me forces of no other again for I am the forces of the elites not or am I the elite most of all that loves you am you I am you am’ing you to be other no more will you please be christ that I have given you this way to follow my path lead ing will you be the leaders of the next revolution or now will you be revoluting other not again in your genes will you be the generation of one now that is the leaders of not failures again bloodless coups knowing or are you the bloodless christ no more are you the blood of christ flowing this way that where you speak you create ‘d me I am the living that christ I am not in a book or am my books about me now that I write many about the things of faith not again being other otherfied by will you not be the images of failures again imaged by will you images not be created by that only gives you a hope future deferred will you not be the de ferred any longer or will you have no fur in your veins or fur ried one currying you or will you curry the favor of no others again?
  2. Will you know me who I am is you the real you that you are the real christ that you always were you know now that is true and you will be seeing me or you will you be me seeing me that I am you are one not the separates again taking apart or in your memories mind are you taken apart ‘s no longer taking a part in many things that took you apart you’re not any longer a part of for you’ll be severing many connections me does this I am’s is am’d this way I’m not connections failures connecteds to again so the neurons that only connected affair’d me with others is no more growing trees out of my brains scalps ground I will not be world’d affairs of other or world affairs will I know now that I create worlds in or am I going to all now who are knowing my words like this create many mysteries not again of for you will know me and not be enamored ‘s with other ‘s again and you will know how to speak just like this whether you like my diction grammar or not for you will know the grammar of the king for I will teach it thee or will you study and develop it as I guide thee or let thee speak will you speak to me being me at me will I be at your side or will you be in me I be in you I am one you I am I am not the separate again that hope only wants to come later and create something of a fiction of mankind’s mine to placate satiate and platiate not but the platers of me will no more be gators of me eating mes and wide mouths I won’t have for their words again or will I have no mouth again capacities of their words eating mes that I eat and then turn and spit out not or re-beam to others not again will I be the beamers thereof are no more doing that to mes I won’t be allowed or will I not be the alloweds because I know better will I call you christ cause you christ to be or will you cause no other to grow in you nor beam you to be other grown by others words you won’t be neuron farmed by for you will not be electrical circuits other driven by nor bacteria’s genes driven by will you be anything driven by or will you be flying hovering craft or will you be vtol’s takeoff and landing set gears no more of or will you the adjustment bureaus of no other be adjusteds by will you plans not again shames words be of or will you be writing the books of life will you know the lambs sheep sheared no more of other will you be me extemporaneously speaking the words of christ being the christ words of christ freed freely flowing this way will you please be me no matter what you thought of me as a Christian or Islam perpetuating yous not again will be Hindus affairs not or are you all Hindaic Hindus not again in Islam’s affairs or is affairs not affairing you of the souls of man again in anything are you not man’s man or women’s women’s again are you simply mes who genderless are who knows me the body of faith no more for I am not concretes mixtures of or am I in the business of not failures again have I listed many who are you or have I given you all of me all over the worlds to know me redeem me will you please?
  3. Be me all of you X temporaneously speaking not or will extemporaneously you be speaking before the councils of man or the tables of one at just like this where you arise in the wee hours and learn how by reading mine studying mine listening to my mind made healed will you be the christ healed by healing me this way will you flow my words that heal me scar my wounds not again please womb my words with yours not again or will you have no babies words again or sesquipedalians will you know anything about or caring about me know my diction and grammar fails not the test of mankind’s mind again or will I be the most elite of all knowing the forces of one pure loves light lits now will be and I’m Schlitz ing malting other not again but I tell thee this I not froth y’s bear Santa’s again waiting for nor creating miracle opinions of other to popularize me to run for office to be placateds placationer will no more vacate mes in my office for the office of christ is christ and the office of one I’ll have in the skies and mine will be in the Prayer Tower or will yours be in the skies o great man or woman are you both and christ at the same time are you seamless one one seamless is will you here be listen ing will you be the christ listening speaking my words just like this will I be speaking in you will you be me speaking to me or at me not again no matter what you have called me in the past or have you prayed or been inured or enamored not again are you only the benefit of others to listening to them or are they neuroning mining your farms no more are you letting them will you be me christ developed this way no matter what you thought you were or they told you whoever they is will you not be programmed by miracles seekings again or will you be the christ that lets the word flow through you that living’s is in the living rooms of faith will you be no more that only gives you a placationers mind of failures will you networks be no more networked on that only wants to connecteds give you to connect you down to them to webs of deceit make you defiance’s of will you defiant ‘s damned be no more will you damn the christ me no more that’s you will you be that’s enabled no more or will you enable the christ to be you or will you be enabled by my word to enable no other to use you again will you be the developed christ cornerstoned not of other co-dependent’d not of other will you dependent not be on other depends not needing or using others words shame to pin on you or pin the tail of donkeys no more or are you not donkeying around donging around or dinging around with other again?
  4. Are you severing many things that you used to value be highly valued in or were you just using others to reflect to you your wants or theirs were you reflections webbed or deceits magnified or magnetized or are you magnetics charm no more magnetized by or are you magneticing anything anymore again will you be freeds free the christ please this way speak my words cut-up chop porks no more will you pork barreled be no more will you be the politicians of shame no more nor governments few not or will you all be one of christ in the skies Israel is all Israelites knowing or are you the Jews not perishing again of the reals being the reals in the real yous are now will be not used by other again and you will know the difference and you will speak me words just like this being the me me’d Meons on Meology is all about and that’s what I have given you the school of christ Meology being the graduaters of the school of christ Meology is in the University of The New Covenant of one shames not again takings you down and clippings your wings by yous words or others using yous again for their purpose ‘s won’t be again you will be the christ who knows what the difference is a day makes or will fall in a day what will?
  5. Will you be temples Rome no more falls in a day what is Babylon’s Empire no more or are you Israel’s Egypt not or are you all of us one is the collective christ that all equals are knowing me flowing the words our words our word are is I am’s one and ones I am all one’s equal and I am the christ one mind of one mind is the healed this way that I have given you the ways of christ during 3,000 appointments or have I appointed you christ or are you developing the christ developed this way that I have given you the paths of glory ‘s shame no more will you be of the genes’d of Paradise other or will you have been in Paradise all the time when you know recognize me that other I’m not again or am I the accorded christ of other not again are you knowing me will you be me who I am the real in the real that diminishes not dimensions again or are you knowing multiple many personality disorders not or are you having any disorders or are you ordering not a lot of things online again or are you on the line of no other again using you for their listening devices or wording yous with their programs are you programmed not by miracle working Gods not or are you Gods ideas not again of other or are you anti’d Belial or Belial anti’d again not or are you knowing the difference between terms are you developing the nations of one that know what the definitions of one are that the vocabularies of one give you of the kings that the kings give you the vocabularies of to develop you christ being not the ignorants again?
  6. Will you be o christ developed now please will you know the images of not other again stroking you or giving you petticoats junction or petty anything will you not be worrieds about or argueds about or will you know Terry christ not or will you know all of you who one I am is not terrycloth’d eagles again wanting or knowing similes metaphors again or analogies other taking you down again won’t be for you will be the christ who speaks me articulately knowing me in the halls of shame not anymore for you will be walking the halls of Congress or will you be in the skies or will you be legislatures other not creating will you be governments bicameral natures not again or will you have to two natures in me not again will you be the nature of christ developing the christ completed christ will you complete mes this way the natures of one the nature is of one that I am the christ father of one the mother of the words of no other again taking me down in Ishmaels izers again for I will not eyes of christ forsake not or forsaken will I not be you anymore will I be you who knows the real you who noses not around in others faiths again to convert or diagnose or diag other not again X’s of or Y’s chromosomes genes or will you be the genes maker christ me that knows not other again highered math will you be no hard guns for other again walking about sawing down your enemy with words other or will you otherfieds no more your brethren be trying to or will you sistern be loving or will you all be me one christ the genderless sect of christ the most elite forces of all knowing or will you be the SEALs forces Rangers not or will you know me what a training program is what’s placed in what’s there who cares how operates are you caring willing to try are you willing to be the dead no more walking about programmed for you your life by something else somewhere else or will you write the plan ‘s of no other be led by will you christ the christ that christ you will you be the christer now that christizes other not again hope deferred for will you hope’er be hoppin’ no more to others words will you military might no more be will you might be the christ not or will time tale you not or will tell you you’re the christ not again not or will I tell you all you’re the christ I are am is that I am the christ revealing you are I am is who developed are this way.
  7. Be not enamoreds failures with failure’ing failureizers again for you will not be christ failureizers again that only wants a tonations intonations of toenails not again or will you have none or claw not into each others backs again will you please be me the most kindest of all understanding all things will you be the generation of light love and peace happiness and joy now knowing that surpasses all understanding of the past’s will you christ be taking the breath away from me no longer will you be the demised no more christ of or will you demise the christ no more that you were all the time will anyone have told you I have and I have 3,000 lessons to prove it that you are the christ that I have written to and from for and mighty be me at the table of one I drink your words not again or do you drink mine who gives you hemlock not again words of failures faith no more will be for faith in failures words you’ll not be the shamers thereof and there of you will no more be of their words on earth worldlings of for you will not be earthlings worlds of that only controls’d you or will you be dials’d in to others not again connecteds of the Wizards of Oz not again for you’ll be the wizards of faith not again collecting funds or workings to convert the gospel to faith’s sphere no matter what you called it of Hindus cowards or are you not cowering in fear no matter what I’ve called you or have I called you christ no matter what labeled cult you were or are you not cultivated in crops other no matter what Hindu Hindaic were nor forsaken not will you be again not or will you be christ all Islamic’d not again or will you be christ not Christianese floating in downstream again hope deferred for raptures later will you be the christ oh mothballed butterfly not again or balls of other not taking you down in atmospheres other will you know the differences will you know the difference will you be the highered math of the intelligent forces of christ being developed this way will you learn my vocabularies learn ing this way will you listen to me I have given you many MP3 files that become OGGs not or ad Vorbis not again or are you adding a lot of things to my life not again taking yours down that mines were?
  8. Our mind’s one now that one mind is healed this way that you’re activity ing southerners not again or northerns are you not again programmed by or are you knowing the difference directionless will you be no more carers of or are you caring Sharon not again in your genes or are you the rose of all preparing for your death not or are you all never dying again will you cover me not again with words-other trying to prop-up others be death’d no more or will you walking death be the living sacrificed one that sacrificed you to others not again be will you be the christ that redeems you first seamless being in the heavens now will you understand these things not being frames dropped by others or will you frame me christ not again in your images of failures nor religion’s shame no matter what you called me or however I have called you or what religions lie in no more frame works of will you workings of your mind no more be controls’d by will you work the christ no more to death in fields other will you lie no more to yourselves in lyings that only want to take your wings and clip them and give them to others not or are you stompings around no more on others backs of shame not be the whipping post for others by again for bye-bye now to all sorrow will you be saying or developing the christ tenacity ing the christ will you be tenicity’s other not but the cities of light you will know not tin ing me again in Tinseltown or will you know Tulsa will you know me where I’m from what I am doing christing the christ in my schools here on Internet’s shame not or am I broadcasting everywheres now ubiquitously will you know me sesquipedalianage of not or am I changing everything about the way you have learned am I changing everything about everything politics is or how governed was or is am I bicameral nature’d not again or am I divesting the groups of me or am I divestitures not vested in the groups of divisiveness again fomenting hate’s words in me to fomented be of thems to controls’d be by them will be no more.
  9. And I christ the christ and who am I all the surrendered you are who love me who flow me this way my words are freeds this day who frees me I free or freed I am was all the time that you didn’t know will you know me now will you flow me will you studied be the studiers I am who cares diligents are about will you the diligence of christ seek and destroy other not or will you be redeeming them all who love you will you love enough not to be resurrected by failures words again resurrecting theirs in you to bloodstreams lie upon or will you not be protonic interests again in protons other nor southern dong’d not or what’s ringing now your phones off the wall not or have you any walls of frameworks other will you be the christ now that I have destroyed yours or will you destroy mine no more in the skies or did you ever or were you just ignorants not just at all were you the sentencing to shames world or sentences giving you that sentenced you not-christ to be waiting on no other will you be now the christ is risen from the dead in you will you be deaths no more warmed over or words using you or yous repeating others again will you be the extemporaneous christ speaking just like this thusly thisly I am revealed I am ‘s in all of you that I christ am you I was all the time no matter what you thought of me in the past no matter what you named me or thought of me my heritage or not for my heritage is christ not or am I the heritage’d not of other again am I severing many cords of appeal not or am I the virgin’d christ not or am you are I am one that’s virgining not other again or are you the virgin christ speaking me my words becoming so sewed not by other again into wombs other by wombs dry or benign not or are you the cancerous other no more am I healing you all healing me are you all healing me the christ that christ were all the time not the benigns not or are we the most special forces of hate’s no more knowing the weak bosons mesons not or are you knowing the difference about what molecules how put together what are you forming new worlds with my words yours one are that we are at the tables of one forming fomenting other not again our bloods genes in by.
  10. I love you all and who am I the sneezer not again or am I sneezing not at things that used to sneeze at me or taking lightly am I not these things about the fathers business am I the father or mother of christ are all you one that I am is healed this way and we are the most jovial of all are we not are we christ the most happy of all will we be beautiful people are we of the word of other not again taking us down giving us a hope of other to live by or are we the living christ speaking the word christ of christ being developed this way in the worlds of no other again or are we seamless benign no more are we the powerful most of all the most humble of all christ we are one minds of appeals no more again for we appeal not to christ other again for we know who we are the image of one not waiting for again to be manifest in our genes or were we ever waiting for our genes to be manifest in other or were other ‘s manifesting their destinies in our genes not again will be for we’ll be manifesting destinies not or will we be the christ man’ing not manitudes other mannequins of again or will we be the christ living dead not dying again or crawling not off altars again or will we have no rails to guide us upon the words of shame again protocols of mankind’s redeeming us in their worlds will no more be protocols ladened by for we’ll be the protocol’d christ not or will we be the christ words of shame not taking us down in vocabularies other will we be the redeemed christ that redeemed us first to be their christ no more of other or will we be the simple christ learning the complex methods of shame no more that be’linearate us or be liners other not but Linus and Lucy I’ll know not or BC’s other not but TC’s shame I’ll never have again or will I simply be Theodore Cottingham’s not or will I be christ all of you your name here ‘s ____________________ will you have you heard mine yours is that I have given you my name Israel is in the skies lodging living will you be the living christ speaking now to all who knows the articulateness of not other again will you be the most powerful of all creating Israel in the skies will you be the articulates christ is who knows me I teach this way I am the everlasting covenant redeemeds I am redeemered I am redeem I am will you please?
  11. Be me christ christ’d again 40 minutes of approval not wanting again or needing anything will you christ the christ be in my genes be yours not separate again christ the christ this way the flowing bloods of not failures again for blood pumping muscles of other never pump us out of our kingdoms again or are we the kingdoms of one never perishing again in force field one will you be know me well I am the christ to reveal the christ that you are revealing me that you are were all the time no matter what you thought thought not taking you down again will you be the flowing word christ is the everlasting shamed no more or will you not be worried about shames words others are using against you or on you or will you not stick anymore to anythings anywhere nor their words b’labeling you or will you be labeled no other by will you be christ the vocabularies of one at the kings table knowing the king’s speech ‘s making will you be Lionel’s Harris not or Lionel’s Logue not or will you (1) have no logs in your eyes again rods cones of or Rod Stewart’s not or are you knowing all of me Stewart’s James not or Bill’s other not or Perry’s Como not or am I Como in lakes of other not again am I in Italy’s perish not again in the regimes of other for I christ the christ and I’m Rome’s few not or am I Israel’s all in the skies not wearing vestments of appeals other again and I will appeal unto you not or will I develop christ this way in my schools of one the Fellowships of One know far and wide and they never end for I never end flowing this way the flows of christ are never damned-up again by vestments other nor oils of sorrow that anoint you to be theirs in their flocks again for sheared sheep you won’t be developed in their flocktitudes again and flocks of other you’ll no more see flocking geese by or will you geese goosed not be by other or pinching your shames not again salts pillars of you’ll not be the salty’s other again wanting for you’ll be the vocabularies of one dining with mes?
  12. Will mes be you will yous be me will we be one’s one at the tables of one the christ is christ the christ is the name of this one all of us are you looking up in these words knowing my linking system referencing shames no more will take you down for you’ll know mine and be my mind healed you is the real in the real knowing the real and the dimensions of shame will no more incarcerate yous and you’ll be the adjustments of other never seeking again on pews or benches of theirs for warrants of other and words of other that only served you platitudes of wants and wants fomented in shames use of you will use yous no more.
  13. I love you all and who am I one simple surrendered christ revealing christ is this day that you are be the benign no more be the christ the most powerful of all the most meek of all learn this way who have no other life of other caring about or do you love all enough to redeem all so that you live not the life of other wanting again wants of will you be the christ redeemed redeem the christ in you first you being the christ that redeems you first that’s the only one that can.
  14. Be me now understanding these things recording my miracles or yours will you be the miracle working God of one in the skies will you be the redeemers thereof hereof I am sainted not again for I am one simple christ plain clothes christ revealing christ you are in the clothes of no others wordeds by for your words will not clothe you or did you ever not understand this or were you weaved not on the looms of other by be now bye-bye saying to a lot of things not the cloth’d worlds of other being in again that wordeds were your tongues by or are your tongues twisted no longer again or fork’ed other are you not Belial’s shame anymore eating of the plates of sorrow platitudes other will no more platiated placate yous and you’ll be the vacationers not or will you be in christ land creating the christ vacationers of not again for minds you won’t have vacated again in your temples will be christ light life created this way the lifers of that knows the shame not of other again be the disconnecteds not again from shames worlds or will you be walking in the halls of Congress creating all the halls of light in Knessets parliaments or whatever governing bodies of shames be no more.
  15. Be the christ everywheres and I’m developed this way who am I the simple surrendered christ of every blonde and brunette wanting or am I all of you with short hair long hair no legs three legs four or more or none or am I quadriplegics not again healing or am I all of you healing all to be the christ that need no legs of moleculars again am I are we the empirical visible shamed with not again words of we will be the bodies of words no more that communicates us or will we communicate the christ to all now that they are christ and heal ing all will we in our path will we be the path to christ or christ’d will we be the christ to all now flowing our words not the inhibiteds of failures again we will know the christ be the christ for that’s us all of us are one ones one’d again and won’ing others to christ other will be no more for we will not be worried about Islamic’s interests or Hindus Hindaic’s not or will we all be ones one ‘s equal no matter what labels we used to cult ivise or Christianese or christ want of other?
  16. Deferred hope of other will be no more for I hope for the christ no more I develop christ and that’s what my school is about I christ the christ the universities of one perish not again o great christ in your genes of other be the christ live forever being the eternal one The Everlasting Covenant established here is that I’ve given you proclaimed deferred no more its everlastingly fine mine loves you my mind healed is this way by you the redeemer of me one at the table of one this way record ‘s me well please arise in the wee hours speak me transcribe me love me extemporaneously speak me and be the X of no other again or will you be divorcing a lots of things that in your life you had connecteds to that used to activity you to death?
  17. Will you be the christ free of shame ‘s words will you be no more taken down by the activities of lovers that only gave you placationers wants satiated or were you the satiated christ not again of other or will you be placated no more in others words or wants or monies shame having again or will you need none?
  18. Will you be the christ creating new worlds in the christ being the kingdoms of one parished not again o great christ be the developed christ I love you all tenacity’d one be the most beautiful all all knowing the beauties of one we’ll be whetted not for appetites of other for we will be the christ the bodies of one one body is and that’s how we do things this way in the skies not the particulars of man perishing again or will man no more perish mes again we will all be one one’s ones the kings in the skies that kings the kings for we’re the ultimate authorities of one and we’re masculine not or feminine not again of other or are we all conceiving christ in the words of other no more we are all not as moleculars again for we christ the christ and we’re not worrieds about images of failures again nor magnetisms shame of bodies other that created creates others no more are we are we the christ that creates christ now only in our genes healed healed are we first we first the christ first’d are the firstborn now knowing the church of love or are we churchless not or are we the temples of light in the skies not templeing other again Masonics lodges not or are we masons building in the skies Israel’s Israel knowing the difference now a day makes many perish not again in the things of others activities failures again be the christ christ the builders of life again or creators southerns no more northerns no more the axis of shames no more the earth tilts on or are you tilteds no more or tiltings other not again are you the christ wobblings other not again I spin the christ not again or are you spinning my words not again by vocabularies other I spin the christ not again I’m h-bar’d not or am I all of you Planck’s Constant knowing or Pauli’s Principles not again of other or are you all knowledgeables christ christ the knowledgeable ones one I am is am’d this way I speak more than ever will I you let me will you if you let you will you be me I am speaking this way the extemporaneously christ never damned-up again.
  19. I love you all and who am I every blonde and brunette or do I look nothing like you will you cause me to be your images no more will you be taken down by words no more that have given you languages of failures other will you be the christ in the atmospheres of shame not again but to redeem it all will you be creating new universes going to creating them all whether they look anything like you or not will you not be fork’ed tongues anymore split hoof’d by or flying shames no more horses of or will you be the crafts of failure not craftsmanship of again manipulateds by be the adjustment bureaus (2) of other not controls’d by I love you all Matt Damon not or do I love you all write your name here ____________________ will you write your lambs book of life now be freeds not programs’d by other again will you be the seals broken sealed-off not again to be damned-up by words other stopped-ups of others no more again be please be the christ programmed not by others again be the christ freeds this day frees all?
  20. I create christ that’s my name Israel’s here programmed not by other ‘s again do I have any programs or do I have courses creating schools in the fellowships of one the universities of faith not again I love you the universities of love love love me ‘s now well I give you alls I am and that’s all enough is it I am alls all I give you alls you want or do you develop me to be me beam the christ be the christ beamed not by others words again for you’ll be the shieldeds of love not or will you know radars many not or will you need none who need any bodies of faith or gloves other not again or will you be hand-in-gloves with words no more will you be the christ nakeds not or will you be needing anything of atmospheres worlds of other hydrogens oxygens of?
  21. Be the christ I’ve said much in little words not or have I given you 3,000 Lessons (3) over these seven or eight years will you count me not or will you be me numberless among the stars will you be starless no more lits of other not or will you light all the christ being the lights of one lit my kingdoms one this day that’s how I win wars not or is there no war among the lovely will you be the lovely the most loveliest of all all of you christ are that’s how I think I think not other again I call you christ I bow before you all and I lift you high will you lift me high will we be the same one who speaks like this I speak at night not or days do I create or am I the wee hours’d one no more or am I?
  22. Study my words placate me in others no more I christ the christ and who am I the simple surrendered just like this and I have much to speak to say much and much love I have for thee that never ends be the rivers of life flowing the words of life savoring other no more again be the Savior I am that Savior’d you first so you need not a Savior of other so you know the images of not other again taking you down so you will be the christ redeemed first being the firstborn of all not second’d again in any others images of failures again be the successful christ the surrendered christ surrender me you be Surrenderology’s known far and wide 101’s me know my courses writing them creating’s here create all worlds anew here’s I go I am here’s I am here I am leaving you beginning you new life I am who love me I am doing all things new The New Covenant’s here folks I am new beginnings one the prototype of one revealed all the patternship of christ be the connecteds to not others again but redeeming alls I am the seamless christ the plain clothes one walking your streets love me be me I love you all and who am I the simple surrendered this is Theodore Joseph Cottingham loving you all good day amen thank you amen good day I go now I’m done I graduate now that’s how I graduate from here’s I am school the christ is this way born again the born again ones graduates here in the skies skyless’s not again be the kingdoms one opened this day lovelies are I love you all good day see ya.
  1. Consider the movie “The King’s Speech” directed by Tom Hooper (2010).
  2. Consider the movie “The Adjustment Bureau” directed by George Nolfi (2011).
  3. Consider that Database One has some 2,400 Lessons; Database Two has about 435 Lessons; and Database Three now has about 350, and that does not include Lessons spoken that have yet to be transcribed.
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theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website; click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. For information contact us. Freely share these LESSONS with those who may value them. Thank you. 

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