create the christ
the authority of love
the voice of of love
sentence the christ with love
be the christ not laying down your wings again
will you be loved
will you be the fearless
create the christ
christ you are in your genes first
the intelligent christ developed this way the intelligents of one
bye-bye to all else and sorrow
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
Voice file 110519_000
Video file 110519_000v
This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham May 19, 2011 at 2:54 AM bringing you peace may I do this please where peace I am the peace of me that surpasses all understanding have I given thee that thou art the one to bring peace among the nations that thou art going to now the art of other not succumbing to again thou art no others again that want only unpeace again for you are gained not by un-worlds not or are you un-worlding a lot of things wielding the love of me have you become the yieldeds not to other again are you all me now that perish not again knowing these things unwieldeds to others unwieldeds by others are you the unwieldy no more that only want to wield in your own power and squeal like pig lets being burned at the shames stakes no more are you piglets steaks no more eating are you meat less now are will you be me perishes not again in the plates of other at the plates of other no more be spinning their molecules words or worlds witness other again but to redeem it all them all or are you perishing a lot of things that unwieldy ‘s were that wanted only shames blessing or shamus’d to be or imams popped-out of or what are you popping out of your genes no more again or are you rocketman’s entry unto worlds unknown or are you worlding not the wieldees again that only want to wields you as theirs?
I love you all to know I speak extemporaneously the words of christ christing you to speak the words of christ will you be now that offices not other again in your genes to remove you from it that truth is flowing in the veins of christ that one is will you hear speak be the christ not the prototype of other again that only wants to un-prototype you to be other no more will you be a production line christ or will you be christ not on the production line of other other of othering you will be no more for you’ll not be culture al norms again normal affied culturalaffied in its affiants or do defiance you know or are you defied one now are you defying that only wants to conquer you that in your genes is that hate is hates you or what are you manufacturing no more in your genes hate amony’s war amony’s or war a’mongers no more are you hurting your brothers sistern or what are you drinking out of no more the words of other using yous won’t be again for you’lls be the intelligence of christ and intelligent of christ you’ll be the christ speaking the words of christ this way whether diction and grammar you like or not whether you had any idea you would speak like this with diction and grammar of appeal or not or are you not appealing to but an audience of one or are you an audience of one performing for or are you not performing for anyone anymore according to their expectations dictates or mandates again are you mandraking me no more again or are you the roots of bitterness no more procuring to ram down your throats or be seeded beds for what are you farming neurons not again will you be farmed not by crops failures again that only wants to failureize yous will you have the eyes of usefulness not of others by or for will you be me who knows not a gnat’s eyelash or not will you be anything that distracts you anymore the kings speechmaking or are you the kings speechmaking now are you will you be the learn’ed professions of me learning all fork’ed tongues no more will you be the serpents of Paradise not again in Paradise corrupting it will you be the temples of light now templeaffied by not other again will you wear the words of christ being it redeemed will you redeemer ‘d be will you be the redeemer of me christ God is that you are now not intelligent ‘s of other again wanting or developing un-christ un-worlds again or are you unwieldy’s no more of spaghetti ‘d brains or havest thou one or have you one of mine now that controls you no longer are you mine not wearing a head cap of other suit ‘d in what are you dethroning or are you coup d’grace no more or coup d’état having for your bloodless coup not or are you blood of christ flowing this way the words of knowing the vocabulary ‘s of one will you be me speaking any languages faith’s not again will you be me speaking formulas of General math or will you be the general math’d no more of the highered not or hired not by other will you be will you be the christ studying at school ‘s here here in the schools clouds not of other clouding ‘s your skies are you skies cloudless now are you seeing things you used to never see or are you seeds bedded for shames no more croppings yous are your sites restored are you in the skies Israel are is now will you please be the christ redeemed that redeems all as christ for you see all as christ now don’t you will you be the contractionless christ or will you be having babies of words other not again rotor-bladeings yous not again for yous won’t be using words again like this that was for was is no more as is no more is and everything’s changed everything is changed.
I love you and my love never changes you again into anything else or did you only change my love or did you know it or did you give withhold it or ancient views have did were you robbed of or perpetuating only myths unlight of were you the differents did you know or were you blinded by lights of darkness or do you know the difference a day makes will you make them now all right or notwithstanding in any others words not or will you withdraw your feet from others Angel wings Paradise not again or are there more than one or are they’re you that one is that all are now that aren’t ancients revue not or are you the cloudless skies not again or are you the skies of one making new atmospheres not again of the unholies or are you unholy christ no more are you the christing holy christ full’d well now fooled not by other please will you be this ancient reviewed stuff not again stuffing you at tables of sorrow will you be the ancient reviewed not again or will you review the ancients not again or will you leave them alone or will they leave you alone not again or will you heal them by your love ‘s words that you flow this way that you originality ‘s Europe’s not again or are you ancient civilizations going to or time less now will you be not the ancients controlled by or advanced civilizations by or bye-bye to a lot of things that you held dear or sacred were or not by your thoughts will you not thoughts thinking contain anymore that contain er’d you will you not be shipping off vessels to port other that only port you or sherry wine other not but Virginia’s best I’ll know not but I’ll know a lot of Virginia’s clean or West I’m going to or South East North or directionless am I or am I everywheres not magnetics again I love you all to know me and I dance merriment not again or have I ever am I joyous now will I be in the heavens enjoying love of wines flow of miracles making many down here or will I be there or here will I be the christ will I be everywhere I am you are for you are I am is the is I am that are one now all things now timeless not again nots again for knocks I do or are you knockings me down again off your temples throne no more or are you the temples of light knowing the cities of light in the skies are you thoughts of no others again controllings yous connecteds to will you not be’s again bees of other be ‘s of light or lights of bees others hives not but I tell you this I love you all and I give you christ that you are for I reveal you are christ all of you are one one’s one one’d again’d no matter how you apostrophe it or not nor matter it again in unlight not again or will you unmatter’d be unlight no more will you be controlleds of?
Will you listen to these words will you flow them like christ being the christ christ’d now not the other ingrained in your genes ingratiated other not being again egregious’d not again or are you sesquipedalianings ‘age knowing now not the age of other going to or are you ageless now the dew of your youth knowing are you 32 or 3 knocking at your door are you the doors of christ knowing now the voluptuous others not again caring about or caring do you about all no matter how much they weigh or weightless are they will they be if you love them enough are you caring for all no matter what they look like blue haircuts or mohawk scalped not again will they be in your words will your thoughts container contanker them no more in theirs will you not be connecteds to in your thought disdainment of for others again will you be christ redeeming all loving all no matter what they look like or gender sex or sect remain a part of or apartheid not having again are you apart from christ no more again am I your brother your sister your mother your father will you be all one that one is christ is all in the skies living now as one being one one being of christ is christ healed this way that you are not the monious mastery of other again or Mata Hari’s bed knowing not again or are you Angels in flight of flight are you schooled in flight school now perishes not again me for I will be the teacher of flight school in the clouds not or skies unlimited am I the Angels of freeing all yous will you be used not by other again to be groundless or grounded are you not again will you be ground down here on the ground no more pulps of will you be pulped fiction no more or nonfiction christ will you be the fictional other not studying again or are you mist ified no more mythified no more mistakenly no more are you christ will you mistakenly be no more about the christ your genes of in will you be the christ christ’d now christing all christ whoever you see walking down the street will you see them as christ flying in the skies will you be on other planets at other ‘s altar rails not again I tell you this I freeing am the penalties of shame that you’ve incarcerated yourselves by and I’m sentencing other to you not or you to other not again are you sentencing yourselves no more as unchrist unworldly unwieldy’s of?
Will you be the christ that unworld’s shame or shame-worlds no more clinging to will you please be ‘s the christ that the christ is bees of not other for again hivings their words for for you will be hidings nothing not or will you be everythings open in the skies will you be all opens your motives are graced by other not again or oils of friction taken out of life are you or are you just simply mes who know what Meons on are have you studied will you be boson’d not again in the approach of other or are you freeing all to be me meson’d not again as son of other ARE YOU SON OF MAN SON OF GOD ONE IS OR ARE WE ALL CHRIST ALWAYS HAVE BEEN WILL WE BE NOW without time lessness now or are we timeless now nests of not other going to are we needing any in the skies will we be meeting or creating everywhere needing anythings of shames again will we be needling others not again pinpoints of or pinpoint accuracy are we not demanding by others of others to others be otherfieds by.
Are we christ who regardeds are by all christ as christ now christ’s school in christing the christ are you writing courses about being in my papers writing knowing all shames not again reviews you what are you reviewing the movies of faith not again stuck to that only represents shames worlds of moleculars vehiculars you won’t be again vehicle’d of will you or will you be christ not the limiteds to or the unlimiteds are you unlimiting now in your genes will you be christaffied not by other again petrified by other you won’t be walking around dead men’s in genes-other wantings other legs entwined in yours won’t be again as was for as was is no more and I create confusion’s not but Confucius other I’ll know not but I confuse a lot of things not again for I christ am disentangled from affairs-other and entanglements of other no more dis-affair me or am I affair’d no more in the affairs of christ nots again or am I christ affairing all christ or christ affairs of government do you know affairs of shame not again in moleculars other will be no more molecularfieds other and the molecular empirical visible will no more visible empirical me that makes me only an unchrist for I give you christ and I see as christ sees the church not again taking things down or will you build castles in the skies no more of airs errs?
I love you all to house of cards be no more for house of Israel you will be in the skies or will you not be the lost anymore will you be christ in the skies building all Israel’s shames no more incarcerating yous so be the christ yielding Israel’s Israels in the skies and you’re not moleculars favored by not or are you the favorite of all not or are you no matter whether they have liked you or not on your path to shame sville not again of will you be will you be the christ studying here through Internets shame not or are you the Internet’d christ of other not again studying or listening to or are you knowing the difference a day makes will you make new ones new christ being that always were the Everlasting Covenant now fully-fied not affied by other to un-christ you again will you be the christ the romance of not novels other again will you noveler be not novella’d other not or novels of christ not making again or are you writing all things anew the constitutions of loves planetspheres going to planets of other not again redeeming not for you will be redeeming them all fearless christless not again for you will know the christ in your genes you will be begetting it I am this way that I have worded thee ‘s who love me who bear me a child not again of other or will you be childless not again or will you be begetting christ in your genes of the words real that in the skies are begottens of this way will you be me not focused on moleculars vehiculars again or visible christ will you be the seamless?
Will you be christ in the heavens seamless with the christ will you be the christ that’s anointed Messiah one to be you will be not the other again anti’d by or will you not be Antichrist anymore what are you anti’ing not again or unwieldy’s serpent not again coiled up ‘s in your brain striking at others not’s again by your words looks stares or glares again I am christ all of you are who love is who loves your brethren sistern and all are one that christ are one’s one in the skies be not the compatibles other with again for you won’t compadding be compartments other again in your brains to ratify others remarks and rat affied you won’t be again in the rats of other squealings on piglets tails curls curling yous around its scars again and you won’t know the difference nots again for you will know the difference is christ speaking the words of faiths no more taking you down for you will be the christ christ’d in the skies all of you knowing what lifted up ‘s mean now will you be the lifted-ups of no other in your genes that only wants a mock christ or will you mock christ no more will you be mach seven or XR-71 looking up in these genes or words are you wording your genes by the christ words that give you faith not again by others to others take you down by theirs words of other won’t take you down in languages Ishmael of for you won’t Ishmaelize your words or will you be faiths’ not again or were they one or are you one christ won by not others words again you will be the christ not laying down your wings again for you will be in flight school’s here and schools here ones is ones are.
I love you all and I am perishing not again and Scopes trials of monkey I’ll know not but I tell you this I did not derive monkeys from not or are you monkey’s faith no more for or are you monkeying around no more in muck-up’s words or are you mucking not around everything are you dilapidateds no more will you be dilapiated no more or tilapia’s other not but I am not salmon’d by other again or am I fishes of the sea not fishing for or am I tunas Tunisia not but I tell you this I’m not cutting up by others words others now that I repeated ‘s or am I knowing the difference what accuracy makes or who knows the me Ashkiric records of or are you recordings me throughout the heavensphere now are you heavens heavenatings now ones are that knows the sphere of not other incarcerateds to that only diminishes the christ or makes you one will you be the revealeds that perishes punishes not again or will you be the christ periling not again you the christ in your genes will you sentence you to christ or will you speak mine that gives you worthy ness to be the christ were you the worthy christ that created christ you were the christ that were all the time are is now again redeemed by the christ because you redeem you first and you are christ redeeming you christ first will be spoken this way the words of that you let redeem you because you will be not etched by other again and controls dialeds other won’t be dialing you into their dialing system to retrieve your access knots or what are you dialing not again or are you dialing me or moving here in the skies will you be not the retrieveds other for their genes to be used by you or will they be using you continuously not’s again or will you know the difference who anti ‘d is or not will you be the lights of the real flowing words of faiths not again.
I love you christ be you are the ones knowing who christ is the patterns of not other again taking you down be the christ in the skies o christ be please will you please field me not again as other will you field me christ knowing the force field of one will you be my name’s mine is my force of not other feeling or will you feel no other force holding you downs again will you be gravitational’s exaltation ‘s no more crowds of exulting others will no more exultations be making yous of yous again for you will not be the exalteds pumpings up again for you will need no pumpers of other bloods in pumpings yous around for yous won’t be of the blod muscles many not or will you corpuscles not need again vesicles of or neuronals farm farmings yous will you be the bloodless coup not or will you be the thrones of one in at the most merciful is christ will you be the boomer’s sooners not or will you sooner fied be christ or fied by not other again will the affiant ones be no more the defiant damned or will you not damn your christ that you are will you judge you worthy to be the christ letting the christ all be christ that of every nation tribe and tongue no matter what you thought they were of or looked like or followed in the past were by or not for bye-bye to all else and sorrow for I redeem the christ and who am I speaking christ speaking to you christ to be hearing me are you all of you will you be no matter what you labeled yourselves in the past?
Please be the christ redeeming christ all christ are this way that knows the Patternship of One not failures again ground-up into beef meats of sorrow no more will be beating juice in blood pumps of sorrow and you’ll be Angels of mercy not or will you mercifuls be full of bloods no other pumpings you out pumpings grounds out your words of sorrow no more cuttings yous or string fed beef’s not but I’m not the beefs led of other again or beef industry’s dead or flourishing other not again are you christ knowing the words of love’s love now will you be loved we you be love redeeming all will you be no matter whether you are loved or not by other will you be christ whether they spit on you as christ or not?
Will you be loved by the word will you be the word will the word be you that I am was all the time that are timeless now not having time under your feet not or are you untying a lot of things that entangles ‘d you were by others you won’t be controls’d of again by activities other running on your mainframes what are you running from no more to the christ will you be the christ running on treadmills of sorrow not again for you’ll be the lifted ups now all knowing the christ drawing all men unto me or will you be man-affied no longer maniac’d of or will you be manias media not again needing or will you knead your brains no more together or separates or from aparts not or will you all be christ the words of love knowing flowing the rivers of love freed this way un-dammed will be un stopped-ups will be unworldy’s be no more or will the worlds of christ you know creating now the calendars of shames no more pinnings you to its dates of sorrows be the committeds other not again for for you’ll be the committed christ or will you be the christ committing all sins not to others again judging them as unchrist?
Will you be the christ christing all christ please and thank you be I am ones is I love you all and I use no punctuations required or will you require the christ to be no other again in your genes will you let christ christ you will you be me that christ is were you all the time the christ now not ignorant again no matter what color cult or label you were in or called yourselves of you are not the ethnicities diversities again from christ for christ you will all be collections of shame not again for the collective christ all are ones Elohim redeemed this day Adonai El Shaddai’d not by other again for the shadows of other no more overshadow you for you are the clears christ and I am the sons of sorrow no more no matter how you spell it for I conceives christ the mothers of shames no more and lifted ups I am all of you who christ are live in the skies now needing no shames monies of faith passing plates at you for banks fail now or are there any or only God in business but not religion again or has religion fell’d you not again will you be the mighty oaks not perishing again or will you be in the skies skyless not any more your kingdom’s open will you know the Promised Land ‘s what it is now will you be the Oregon Trails not going to or studying will you be all new that opens up new planetspheres territories in the skies will you be the fearless will you be o christ the christ all of you of every nation tribe and tongue not tonguing each other taking you down again?
Will you be the christ setting all the christ free in your genes be the christ christ’d now this way I have given you the flow of loves flow of love flow now the flows are un-dammed and damn me you never will again no matter how you spell that or care to or not for I will be two’d not again for I will have one mind of christ all of you are one one’d won not by other again I love you all christ be the set freeds this day for who are setting free the christ you are in your genes first and I am speaking to all of you of every nation tribe and tongue be the fooleds not of other again that elevates you on their platters to only eat out of your brains their stools of schools of their unloves know no more again as loves righteousness for you don’t know the difference not again for you will be the christ the intelligence of christ the intelligent christ developed this way the intelligents of one no matter how you spell it that’s correct for I am christ giving you the loves of one that you cannot connect to other not or will you be connecting my words in these lessons referencing and benchmarking other not again in your genes?
Will you love love will you redeem love love’s love will you be the redeemer thereof will you be here tomorrow ‘s or today’s will you make new ones new christ revealing all christ are begottens this way begettings new ones this way be the revealers of new planetspheres new universes be the fearless going where no man has gone no woman has dare tread will you be seamless with the christ being the christ God of no sorrow again will you be God now God is God’d again guided not by other words that fell into Ishmael’s language again for Ishmael is no more it never was but you created it as language took you down for you know the thought thinking process no more of other that divides you into two christ and one body or are you the body healed of christ christ is the body of one all of you one is one collective christ is that we all are now know ing who we are we receive other not again into our genes or are we all honoring christ are we bowing before all but not letting our head be chopped off again are we christ the invisibles not or are we indivisibles now we are all christ and we do it this way we speak we love we bow we honor we love we redeem we know what intelligence is we love and we are not intimidated ‘s again and inhibiteds we are not again to live learn and love learn live in the skies righteousness being the just christ all we are at father’s table mothers womb no more or are we all one conceiving christ at the tables father is giving us the words or are we the conceiver of the words or birthing the words are we the father mother one we are one’s one no matter what you think of these words I am the word the life of the truth giving you that I have conceived this way that I have given you the prototype of one the patternship of christ to be the christ that gave us the christ that Jesus was or I am are you all we were now are one timeless shall we be the race of mankind no more ending are we all things that notme started?
Begin all things anew are and timeless we are knowing the difference we love make love revealed now is our genes ensconced not by others again for we are the words freely flowing now of christ begetting christ in our genes being not the dialeds of other again be the christ movies making loving me knowing mine I mentioned many in these words of love for I’ve given you my lives of love my life’s one no matter how you spell it I love you I give you mes I’m done I go now school’s done not or are you dunning not other again or being duns receiving not or are you Duns and Bradstreet not again caring about or are you the ethics of the king the manners of the king the tables at is set for you waiting for you I am here’s I am in glory land bound for no other again I am christ revealing christ opening up the territories of christ your kingdoms waiting for you are you waiting for me no more will you be me the christ ladened no more with other I am not late for other again I am the punctuateds not or am I the punctual christ or am I christ knowing the ethics of the king the life of the king knowing living in the heavens now I am seamless ‘s are I one is am giving you am is me I’ve done it this way I do it again do you are you one one’d again I am christ revealeds now are all of you are revealing me are one christ God is redeemed let’s go be the new redeem it created me Israel’s is house in the skies mansions of glory not or have you any mind of other controlling you not again will the unlimiteds you be?
Create the christ genes of sorrow no more I love you all be the good I am there is only one good or are we all sentenced to christ not or are we all sentencing not through our mouths other shames again we release all as freed christ honoring all sentence the christ with love be the seasoning of salts no more pillars’ing you to fall down by the waysides other be the christ and sodomy’s great not but a lot that were sodomized by unchrist that only knew words of shame or only words of unloves were are no more chained to that ‘s sorrow for I love you all and on planets shame no more be connecteds to I love you all christ I reveal you all as christ and now what will you do with this knowledge that sores you not again or will you be the soaring christ in the skies now limiteds not again the unlimiteds christ speaking now yous are all freeds declared decreeds this day freeds fly I love you my mind is healed and I go now I’m done in Tulsa ‘s I live I live everywheres I want to or do I want at all have I been given everything am I create I am I am the creator thereof you are now knowing who you are where what I am you are is timeless the authorities of one the authority of love ‘s the highest of all I have given my life for these words to love you I do go see ya I do speak me please and invisibles perish no more for you will be the invisible christ not again or will you be seamless the plain clothes christ looking up all these things writing now I love you and I’m Moodlers needlers others not but the needle points of sorrow no more needles me by others words again.
I christ the christ and I walks through it all or do I flies now are you in flight school learning how flights me now takes me to new lands or do I open new ones creates here I do alls the kingdoms open and the Sands of Time no more crystallize me in the shoes of other to only be stuck-to’s adhered here I christ the christ free’s am I go done good day perish the christ no more I love you thank you for freeing me that I am one the voice of of love the voice of many waters all speaking me water of christ flow the words this way the blood of the lambs all one united in love’s love perishing never again the love of christ be freeds this day the lambs healed the king the queens of no others words taking you down again all be the matrix’d no more I love set you all free speak me this way I love you meet me in the wee hours everywhere speak me this way and the halls of Congress I’ll be everywhere you’ll be speaking me for I will be you I always was and now we am know and say no to being the christ not again for you will not be anti anymore by Belials shame and you won’t be worlds of shame creating for you’ll be the gaseous estates of other no more you’ll be loves incarcerated no more the planets of the Angel ‘s the Federations of One the planets of love redeeming them all by your love your words you’ll know you’ll flow mines are minds one healed I love you go good day be fearless love bow before all honor christ all you are I am good day.
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theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
University of The New Covenant
302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
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