because you love each other

because you love each other
are you running from being the christ no more?
will you be revealing all to all
are you the free christ that free christs all everywhere now
cottingham, theodore. April 15, 2011 at 7:15 AM
Voice file 110415_000
Video file 110415_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham April 15, 2011 at 7:15 AM my son’s birthday or is it yours in the skies that I am speaking of that now takes place that you are born again as the Angels are or are you not Angeling other again to be the Angels of demons other incarcerated ‘s on the ground ‘s of earth ‘s of other ‘s no more is it will you be my contractionless ones or not having babies again words of are you contractioning on tables not again with split legs apart or fork’ed tongue or what are you delivering now the christ child of delivery-rooms no more are you of the heavens now fork’ed’ing tongue no more are you the tongue of the righteous speaking words like this that beguile sinners no more are you begetting sinners no more what are you seeing seething in no more your words shame that you took and worded yourselves with that took your christship from you or to you did you give another another to that you gave and wrestled with the Angel ‘s were you all the time that Jacob’d laddered other not but one Stephen ‘s Montagueing me not again or are all montage’ing not again the combobulages of other or dissing each other are you not in your words again or mine are you knowing mine that reveals the Angels that are all of you healed healing each one are you that crosses your path or are you not crossing each others up’s again that only gives efficacy of the cross not or are you effete’ing each one not again or oxocite octogenessing not or ectogenesis do you know anything about or efficacying genesis not again in your genes are you the christ that produces the christ desired effects of not or are you being the one who’s charmed not anymore again of other are you gainering other no more are you gathering the sticks and stones no more to beat each other up with in your memories mankind of or dynamic affects of scattering not or are you not scattering the Diaspora again are you all Jews in the heavens or Jewish knowing anything about not or feasts not again as perils’ was are you in the skies eating at my tables the words of faith not again being imbibed in or by will you bye-bye to all else and sorrow now and be the Angels in the skies redeemed this way God is that I am that I am am ‘ing my people just like this that I am who knows what God is where and how what efficacy took place or didn’t or what are you effacing no more efeteing or defeating or have you the feet of other no more clay again that only welds you to a cross or stablishes other in your mind or stabbing other not again are you with words looks blares glares or stares of your words that you emit or effete no more or do you have the feet of the gospel of o’er no more what ever you claimed proclaimed was the gospel of peace or not are you the piece of other no more that only wants a feet of clay or are you standing on two continents or in the air ‘s of notme’s anymore will you be defeateds of for you will be the cross ‘d risen in the skies not again or are you defeateds no more are you the efficacious of christ desiring the christ to be no other are you wanted not again to be other or are you wanted all in the arms of other not again are you in the skies o christ producing christ yieldeds are that christ produce christ or let speak just like this beguiling no one else with your words will you take no other ‘s down in your words again will you christ reveal in all others to be the christ Savior of none not or will you be the Savior of all that redeems all this way because you love them do you love them will you love them you first redeeming yourself you first to be the first’d first efficacious ‘d one becoming the christ that you are were all the time is that clear?
  2. Is this clear what I am saying extemporaneously not or am I speaking the words of mankind not again to placate ‘d be will you understand my diction grammar and grammarated other not be again rated in mankind’s mind to only want their minds upon you will you be me who articulately speaks the gospel of peace in the heavens to Israel be now arisen is will you be the arisens ariseables will you be the gloriables of christ being the christ one God is that all are redeemed this way efficacious is or efficacy knowing of other not again or are you not the desired products of other again producing in your genes bacteria of or virus’d by or what are you knowing not the medicinal medicine’d men again of o’er or are you pharmakeia no more or are you the pharmaceutical’d industry ‘d no more are you changing a lot of parish not or are you changing everything that perished mankind or parished it in its thought that only gave efficacy of other or effacing other not again are you erasing your mind or having mine are you my mind healed are you this way that speaks the words of no other again are you learning neurosurgery from me not or are you the neurosurgeons pencil no more hammering out blades on others are you in the skies healing all among nations or skies planets redeeming are you the christ all of you no matter what tongue you served or fork’ed were by again will you be me not split hairs of other or split tongues of other words of dicing you again?
  3. Will you be the healed now all of you of every nation tribe and tongue no matter what you embraced in the past or lied with or lay ‘d with will you no more the layers of other be wordeds by that only gave you a witness of a 10 minute miracle not or what have I said in 10 or 11 or dozens coming now lining your walls not or standing room only not or are you knowing the words of mankind not programming yous again to be used by gospels of o’er is no more for you will understand the gospel of peace now in the skies that Gods all Gods to guideds be by no other again for you will be the earth speakings no more of each others to others for you will be the Gods of Gods in the skies that all were all the time is now known that time is over yous no more will be guideds by overs or unders underlings not or will you christ all be christ in the skies revealing christ to each other because you love each other will you love me that I am you who are one is the king of kings redeemed will you be knowing studying my words witness of not other again in your genes that only programs them to be others efficacious’d by producing their results in your mankind’s mind not again will be for you will not be fork’ed tongue anymore and you will know fork’ed other not or will you know no power of genes other again in your mind will you know me?
  4. Be me who one is speaks this way I am that I am the diction and grammar of not other again grammarate’ds by or am I all of you no matter how you speak spoken to you are you the meek most humble of all that walks through it all that terrorizes no one else again in your genes or other programming by your words are you programmed by programs no more that only want your words or dollars or presence in mankind’s pewism’s pew ologies of other and isms of schisms and mankind’s fork’ed tongue ings are no more and you will not Injuns be or will you not injurious be to each others words or mankind’s will you not be ensconced ‘s in ‘s again will you be the christ o king of kings will you be every nation tribe and tongue every woman every Sioux not or will you be the soup of no other in mankind’s mind again and every Injun not or every Indian are you the continent of no other on or forming planets are you in the skies each of you one is that I am knowing the way this way that I am formed and pro ton’d by other not again are you the protonics or Meonics or biotics not of other again needing no anti’s other will you not be christ producing christ of anti ‘s in your genes again will you be antibodies of hate no more or myelin’s sheath no more ensconced in will you be the ones that speak ‘s my words just like this will you be Easter’s arrival points not or will you be the arisens in the skies ariseable are gloriables glorifieds are this way that wield no other results of other will you yield to my words or be them wieldeds to no other or wieldeds of no other to each other will you be the wieldeds christ or yieldeds christ the most humble of all to be laid your life down have you ‘s will you give your life to other no more or did you have one in only thought ville of vile villains will you no more be the christ anti ‘d will you be the christ o this Easter arisen all of you of every nation tribe and tongue every girl boy man woman of every nation tribe and tongue I am speaking to so that you’re not tongue’d by other again that fork’ed only made your memories not or are you fork’ed’ing other not again into your mouths of shame or do you have none anymore that speaks you’re a not-christ again?
  5. Will you be the christ the anointed Messiah of you all being you all one that one is formed this way many planets going to and universes other not restricted from or are you creating chaos no more in your genes to bacteria to be by or are you not the Bede of other knowing or are you bead of no other sweating on your brow or stinks shame not or are you wordeds no other by the deodorants of other needing or are you deodorizing your words or having none of other are you stinketh’s perish no more or parished no more are you in the huts or tents of others whether you tense or tents what are you tenting no more in your brains or crinkled up crumples up not but I tell you this I’m not trump eting other again or have I ever the words of christ given you so freely are you mine freely flowing others the wine of new life that restricts others not again in theirs are you revealing christ are all about you your families christ is in the skies now not needing lodging of other are you needing no more monies again or 16 to 70’s are you looking up or perfects perfection are you in the skies 7’s all knowing equalees equal on’s I am and I have given you many parishes not again or did I ever give you any to be only words of other studying?
  6. Are you mankind’s mind not again incarcerated of of ‘s others are you not eating out the bowls of mankind’s mind again or the heads of sinnersaints or are you all one fork’ed tongue no more fork’ed by other are you slicing dicing no others on your plates of shame again of molecules axis or protons spinnings do you know anything about up downs or h-bars or what are you Planck’s constant not again in or Pauli’s Principle subject to or Puthoff’s other not but I tell you this I’m gravity’s shame no more led by or held to for I am not to others going to not or am I the planets shame no more incarcerated by their words or mine am I not creating am I seeing what I see now the christ is that limits no one not or do I restrict all not again or do I create all a race of christ that christ is all of you that wield no other ‘s words again are you yielded to be the christ surrendered to be the king of kings this way all of you that nations states others not or are you not the nation-states of failures again that only wants commerce or big bank accounts or pres tigious forces that press you into services other I am not the armies of hates’ navies again or am I in the service ‘s of the king in the skies that’s led ‘s this way reads my miracles not or produces them not or am I the efficacious of christ the effigy not being burned of other in my words or minds brains or have I none as in the past that wants to seethe or search out and destroy not again am I the words of christ that beam others by others by won’t be again or will I be beamed me up Scotty not again to other or will I be beaming down on no other again or will I be the efficacious christ that’s died to my genes of other or have I no others genes words in mine am I my mind healed now that christ is redeeming all first to be the first’d ones in the skies the graduates are of the universities of mankind’s flesh no more for you will know mine and mine universities fine and find me will you in your genes if you look for me or search me destroy me no more will you be me that my mind is perished no more in parishes other or will you arise in the skies will you be me who answers the or’s not or will you be me who speaks this way and says much in 10 minutes or 3 or 5 not or 7 am I coming now perfections in having many conferences seminars and daily miracles not or am I one who needs nothing of your core interests again?
  7. What are you interesteds in again are you gainering others no more or whole worlds creating are you with your words in your words what are you creating or propelling other not again are you the christ listening to these words propelling others not again propellered by are they cutting your head off no more to be headless are you in the skies now being the head of christ christ being christ christ’d this way are you all the head of one not efficacious’d in other again propelling you are you the propulsion’s propellant no more for fuels other needing or are you needing anything of worlds other are you redeeming them all going to now all to be the christ their christ that tells them they are their christ that christ all now will you be revealing all to all that records me just like this in little recorders not or are all of you recording me videoing verbiageites not or all of you are the me who perishes not again in movies other are you directing many now who cram crown not again other into your brows brain or are you browing freeing not or are you the free christ that free christs all everywhere now are you me not scrunched-up again scrunchies wearing or crunchies other not crunching in your mouths again salt pillars to be or are you interests of no others in the monies of bag’s shame or holes witness or needing none of others are you running from being the christ no more?
  8. Are you christ will be christ’d this way who christ is knowing my words not having back pains or are you not painful again to your words o christ or are you severing the arteries of faith not again of others or are you in the skies christ christ’d is this way that has the words of other no more flowing in your rivers of faith or have you none but wieldeds other not again or pro biotics interests not but pro-other I’ll need no priests of again for I’ll need no professionals other not or will I be the scholarships of christ knowing the scholars of other no more taking me down to word study theirs or am I freeing mine the miracles of interest other not or glorified bodies having am I all that knows all omniscience other not being plugged into again or was I ever limiteds only by the parishes of other mankind’s in tents or huts am I intense ity’s of others not again or am I serious christ studying or am I wieldeds other not again led by yieldeds christ-to-be am christ’d now I love you all revelation’s finished or are you all the revelator John I am knowing all I am that I am have given you this way that I’m Isaiah’d not or am I all of you Isaiah knowing 61 or 60 58 or am I all of you or am I 32 7’d again I love you all I’ve given you much and many 117’s not or 107’s or what do you know about me what I’ve given you in these words perish not again o great fools be of christ the christ that’s in the skies that you have become one that is just this way by my words that reveal yours is christ forming new worlds with yours will you be that mine I am one I am king of kings all of you are not separates again in the ceremonies of other wanting legs of babies other to spank or pull up or down with you quarks won’t be again or will you quacken huts be of no other again in will you be the towers of faith not again or coming through my minds will you be one that is the king this way king’d is and I’m gloriables risen this day gloriables are glorifieds this way all of you are one language of faith not again but speaking into the heart of hearts this way I am all of you are glorifieds now be the risens are proclaimed denieds no more for you will not deny yourselves anymore the privilege of being who you are the christ was all the time that Angels are not incarcerated to earths again gravity’s of or timespace will you be no more lucky’d by or are you the lucky ones charms no more wanting anything about sugars propellants or maltrans dextrans not but I’m not the transmissions of others needings again nor eatings out of their emittings emotions nor emissions from their planets again or am I going to all redeeming my incarceraters or am I simply wieldeds no more to others?
  9. Am I the christ of all of you being all of you I was all the time and now you know the patternship of one the pattern of one I’ve given you being all you will you be me not the mind of other efficacy’d by will you be the efficacy of crossed-other no more will you be crossed-up quadruple’d no more in your genes will you be the genes of christ knowing my words this way that program others not again I have given you the formulas of mankind’s mind not again have I given you the kings o kings be directing many movies will you perish not again o great christ all of you of every nation and vocation will you be the vacationed-other not again that christ only want not to be theirs them or are you all deciding who you are who I am are you one christ I am all of you king’d this way not subject to others parishment again for you will no more perish again in your genes will you?
  10. Be the christ risen this day I love you all glory hallelujah will you be not religious anymore in your genes that only gave you a mankind’s mind of mind of mankind’s will you be mine in the skies that knows nothing not or everything’s everything changes now does for alls new and the new beginning’s here will you be the christ that starts all over again anointed Messiah revealing all time cyclic nation not or will you be knowing my papers writing exchanging many all my posts and papers now knowing will you spread out others eagles not again or will you be the christ revealing alls in the skies now redeemeds all will you be the 30 minute miracles not again or will you be repeating prayers not to other again of gain of me will you be gained by no other will you gain whole worlds or redeeming will you be creating new ones far and wide yes I am here I am here’s I am all you saying that this now redeeming placarding your walls or having none again or will you be the withouts no more will you be in the skies perish not again o great christ be the fools’d of no other again be the arisens christ this day Easter’s here be in my genes or yours will you be gene’d by no other again be the christ creating christ all of yous are now not used by others again I christ the christ and I bow before you all and I call you christ arise this day please thank you be in my school at my school the University of The New Covenant’s me I am you that are healed this way write my words be my words flowing the wine of life new is and never dies again arise the resurrections be here is I am good day.
* * * * *
theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa this May 1-7. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA.

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