will you be the christ

will you be the christ
cottingham, theodore. April 14, 2011 at 6:16 AM
Voice file 110414_000
Video file 110414_000v
This is a LESSON in the University of The New Covenant
  1. This is Theodore Joseph Cottingham April 14, 2011 at 6:16 AM bringing you the words of christ to reveal yours that you are the christ speaking extemporaneously like this just are you now the just ones that arise in the wee hours like this or noon’s light or FIRST LIGHT are you knowing anything about my blogs or writings or booklets books and tombs no more being in will you be in the tomes of me or booklets documents leaflets writing now or are you the leaflets of other no more in on their trees of righteousness un’s that they’ve created to be their own righteousness in will you be the christ that christs all christ now whether you think I’m one or not are you will you be the christ that all are not forming other again are you in your genes not of mankind’s again but the real in the real of the real are the real that the real are developed this way that come forth now benigning other not again are you the benign christ no more that knows not your name or place or foreignage or age of foreignness not controlling you again are you the christ that begets no other in your genes again but christ christ christing christ are you all now of every color nation race tribe and tongue no matter what divisivement you applied to to cult label be or label another again will you be the christ freed freeds now are that free’s christ in within first for you are the christ o great christ all of you are the great christ God is that redeems first the first’d one in side of you that in sight of you all is the perishing not again or are they accepting receiving your words or are they stubborn necks no more again necking in your words or theirs are they in love with or are you mindful not of anothers again are you mine minding mine with mine mind that minds yours not again as cataclysmic underlings nor neuronals other neurotic or otherwise am I christ now that you are that you are knowing I am you are you are I am that I am is that clear are you that clear one that now transparent is that speaks extemporaneously just like this whether having a mirror on your genes or not are you DNA’d of christ-nots not anymore are you the knotted-up en twine ing others not again are you the twineings Richarding not or are you the me o great christ ahead of all campuses not or are you in the skies developing new ones far and wide the forerunners are the genes of me knowing first firstlings are or gooselings not of gooslins other again are you goosed not as hen pecks again pecking each other ‘s words you won’t be stabbings at for stabs other James not but a lot of James you’ll stab not again or will you your neighbors wife or husband be no more that wants a neighbors wife of lengthiness in them or on them of other your genes won’t be again for you viruses won’t be led by again or were you ever virus worded or worded virus’d by do you know anything about your machines ‘d ones or your neocortexes failure or successes are you at being the christ that lays all down and becomes the christ a living sacrifice just like this no matter what everyone thinks or anyone thinks of you will you not think again like non-christ will you be the christ o great fools not again for you’ll be the great christ that loves all enough to die before you die again so that you will resurrect now Easters is just like this and Easter’s is the christ or is Easter bunny ‘d no more by a myth or fame ery of other that only gives charge of other to lightning rods other not or are you not knowing the lightning rods of other will you be me extemporaneously speaking just like this who are me walking the streets of no mankind again not or are you knowing me walking the streets of gold in the cities of sky king not or are you the king of the skies laying your life down for all to be there with you being you who I am is are one knowing all this now clear I am not discombobulated ‘s again are you the christ o great one fools not another again will you be the read step-headed no more will you stepped on be no more the stepwise christ or will you be catapulted now into the heavens will you be me making directing movies producing will you be me o influencer of christ not again to be un’s un’d by un will be no more for non-christ will be no more for christ will be all of us one are the father is healed this way the mother of christ conceiving the words in within within in now out the box of no other shall contain for did it ever?
  2. Ever am I evers after or before am I the word that created the word not other again creating you first or did you are you me now redeeming yourself you first to be the first’d christ not seconded again so all know the First Degree of the first ones now that ones are light creating far and wide not the genes ‘d of other again living in or going to die death again will you resurrect ions be now the christ all of you are knowing the power of not unlove’s again for unstucks you won’t be again un’s or will you be unstuck unchrist no more are you listening to these words to know them free yours free yours will you be freed ‘s this way Friedman’s other not or George’s diamonds mines not or are you not the mines of diamonds caring for anymore values of other nor shields of other wanting shields of you shieldeds from radiations factories or what are you going to Dakou no more or Japanese islands or are you neurotics interests ‘d in no more nuclears power are you needing no powers of other to keep warm or over you pass electrons or under you through you or are you not protons dream iness again in or neutrinos other not but I tell you this I’m the neutrin’d not again latrine’d by their words for they won’t pee splash over me again their words for I won’t be sitting there in their toiletries charms of their words in padded pews or carpeted sinks of mankind’s drain iness mind and see what I’ve said and I’ve said it clearly and I’ve said it bashfully not or am I brashingly not or braggadocios not or am I the most humble of all letting you all know you’re the christ warning you all that everything changes now I am I have I’ve done I am I love you all to reveal the christ you are you’re the pattern of one that fails not again o great christ will you be the pattern of one in knowing the cornerstone of other not again will you be fools’d not again of the First Degree will you be in the skies creating courses my courses by being my course privilegers are privileged this way to not be on dirt floor’ds other or will you know the christ walking everywheres now pigpens other not again in eating the husks of their mankind’s mind will you be at the tables of one speaking just like this who knows me through the wee hours through all the words of mankind’s pain and suffering will you redeem it all will you not be Miss led by other again will you be me o Mr. christ not again for you will be all one color of mankind’s mind not again for you will be all christ no matter what divisivement settlement you were in raised or will you raise the christ the resurrection’s now be all you will without a will of other God or other or are you all God s of God of God that is not knowing un’s anymore but to redeem the christ all is one who loves all enough to have died before death comes and gets you and ships you off to another shipping point to be used again by their genes or yours forming around you or theirs merging with yours or you are not doing that again are you being the christ will you be now the resurrection’s now the bunnies of Easter others not again not anymore will you be bunny’d hopping around between churches pews or ruggerages lie in thoughts of other no matter what mosques or temples you came from or went through are you trained no more there again are you in the skies christ is all of you who are not the mosqueualizers or are you the mosques temples of mankind’s mind no more iron domed or not are you needing any Iron Domes of crystals failure or are you not the failures of crystals again are you Christie’s other not going to auctions other needing any things there again or are you in the skies Southby’s other not or Cartier’s other not but I’m not the timepieces of other needing that only diamonds want to make of my minds reflections of nor prisms interests nor direct flights of other for I am the Angels airline not or am I looking up all these things about presidential interests not again or am I Obama’s bamming me not again or am I christ freeing all in the skies to not be taxed’s again?
  3. Am I all christ review reviewing all christ or redeeming all christ will you be now all of you of every nation tribe no matter what your education being no mattered now will you be the christ that has no body of other to claim you or claim will you mind not the body of other that tells you only to be not-christ unchrist again you won’t be again for you will be gaining the whole world or will you die before your soul robs you or will you have one not again that speaks like this will you speak will you know me my words will you interpret thusly or in tepid be not or insipid of others not be bane alized other or will the bane of banal shepherds be no more or shepherding will you be nothing again will you be the christ o lamb blasters not again in the pews or lecterns lecturers will you be the christ o imams not or Hindus shepherds not or castes systems in will you blast all things not or will you be the most meekest of all that humbles shepherds not or shepherd will your mind into caves not again will you be the christ all exploring all the heavens now given you is the king of kings realm or are you developing it creating it Israel in the skies is that’s my name across your forehand or mine are we one the father is known this way developed created are you one me I am I am me you one I am that I am is the body of faith no more no matter what divisive settlement you wanted to call me what settled for were you in what settlements are you no more in the Gaza Strips or are you knowing anything about geography’s standards or geometries failures not again are you the highest math ones or higher math’d ones are you knowing my differential equations not or are you learning all things my way this way that I teach you in the wee hours where I will come and I will speak formulas underneath the formulas or give you the overbearing clouds not again will you be lifted up in the skies o resurrected ones not needing skies of other to rein in or be reigned in will you be the christ that heals all no matter what you thought color was or sound made was was it will you be one me mind’d now the christ is born again this way knowing what born again is now will you be the Easter’s crowd not of other again prettying up your face or lips man kind ‘s mind for or woman’s legs wanting or are you not the crowded-outs again from house and home in the skies are you knowing my lodgings place or bornings again are you the christ being all of you will you now please being the christ bowing before all christ will you christ lift up in your genes to be the genes’d one of no other anymore again will you be the christ the most humble of God first that God is firsting all first to be not second’d again that go to caskets other for you o live forever will you please that I’ve given eternal life to all of you who know my formulaistic approach of other not again will you be ensconced in not other again I’ve given you the formulas of christ or to be christ will you be developed this way who knows me my word is becoming that becoming one is with my word my word is that my word is not unchrist’d again for I am not the untwined again or am I the twineings of other not again in or the tea bells other soup not but I tell you this I’m presidential material’d not or am I no mattered me no matter what you think of me will I be one termless limits knowing or will I be campuses few not or many chosen given me will I have named them all in here these words knowing will you or will you be giving me all you will or will you have no will to give other yours will you be the will of christ that redeems all you first will you please know me who I am you are the surrendered one who be the christ now not nailed to crosses other for you will be resurrected o christ the great fools not of other again Easter’s here in you to be it experience ing it will you all now of every nation tribe and tongue in soup not of other again thoughts of made of what are you moleculeing other not again atoms soup or Adams mystery not or is the mystery of christ solved in these words that I’ve given you these seven years that I’ve spoken just like this or written on many yellow tablets fine print not or the finest of all do you know who you are the kings maid for no more of other are you are you the kings king ‘s that reveals all kings are the all of you are that I am is developed this way matureds being mature are immaturities seeking no more status of for you will not be the dumbed-down christ again nor the throttled back governor’d of other and governesses of other you won’t need or want or will you be christ in the skies all of you of every color nation tribe and tongue not racing to finish other papers again or deadlines other or are you not dead in christ again that only wants a worship to other be worshiped in the acceptance of mankind’s mind being in the rivers of hate no more will you be ensconced in that?
  4. Again will you be christ knowing the difference being the different one or will you be the christ the supreme being of light all of you that one are one mind’d fooled no more fools no more of governments unchrist of will you be the christ’d government of sorrow not again will you be in the skies not taxed to death no matter what Germany’s rate or France’s rate of mankind’s mind or are you EU’s interest no more in or Americain’s other not but a lot of Shallenbargers I’ll remember not or will I remember all of you writing the lambs book of life are you now please be me not the faithalytes of other will you be me light o lit now king of kings in the skies not needing plan ets of other will you be me christ extemporaneously speaking propheting other not again in your genes will you be the prophet of christ o needing not or will you not profit no matter how you speak spell these words or will you be me in the skies the kingdom of heavens knowing far and wide creating Israel is all you are who love me my words know am and I am not interfused others again or confused about these things for I am clears transparent see-throughs now and I make many miracles happen not or do I let all come through me who most miracles are not or are you all a miracle God of other not creating other in your genes to be other’d by again are you the miracle worker christ creator or are you all me knowing understanding all these words how I question ask soup of not again for minds of other to be controlled by minds of other won’t be controls’d by again controls of other for you will be christ the kingdom of Gods all known now that Gods are one is that’s why I said be still and know that I am God are you are you of no other again?
  5. Will you write my words being be me now all of you of every status nation and race of socioeconomic statusing Angels no more again will you Angels be in the heavens knowing growing your wings will you be words of not other ‘s clipping off again will you be all christ freeds this way from the grave no more going to will you be whitewashed tombs no more will you be mankind’s mind no more ensconced in will you be the christ o resurrection’s now all of you please and thank you I bow before you all and no matter what you think of me I love you I love you I’ve died I’ve arisen or have you will you be the risen ones o great christ all of you no matter what color your hair or what you look like way or how much do you weigh not important again or will you not be the exercise ‘d fools again that only wears a helmet of other or will mankind’s mind no more fit around you or domes of other iron will you not iron sealed-in’s be by will you be bye-bye’d to all else and sorrow so that you’re the happiest people on earth or in the skies are you redeeming all to be all where we are not labeled other again we are christ race of one race of all supreme beings white light or not are we will you be the studiers in my words of my words knowing yours are freed ‘s this day will you be movies producers directors will you be christ of Andy Tennant’s not or will you the tenet of christ-other not be again will all of you be my directors spiegeling not or catalogs of other will you not be in again nor magazines interest will you be in all christ review christ reviewing words of other not or will you be your words freed that cultivate others not again will you be christing courses one are that all know the universities of faith’s not again for The New Covenant’s mine and fine and I love you all and fine I am or am I granular’d other not sieved through by or perceived other perceptualizations by not or am I not the perceptualizations other perceived by or am I wavings no more ensconced in no matter what you sea ‘d me with am I not the energies of failures needing again or am I one simple ones who learn this way to speak the words of faith no more taking me downs again no matter what labeled they were.
  6. I love you all christ be the risens this day is that clear is this clear that I love you that I’ve given you my mind will you have no mind of other operating in yous again to genes ‘d use other I love you all christ be the risens this day recordings me just like this so that you’re not in the courts of other again be’fusing your christship in the heavens be the used’s no more be the christ leading all out of faithvilles other not or will you all be the christ’d christ redeeming all the first’d First Degree’d are I love you all Easter’s here be me the resurrection’s now nailed to a cross not other again of I love you gain the whole world all the heavens all I am is yours good day be me the kingdom’s open is yours please open be me it now is I am am’d this way good day amen.
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theodore cottingham is one simple jean’d servant serving as chancellor of the University of The New Covenant, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Announcing: the University of The New Covenant’s Residency #3 will be in Tulsa this May 1-7. Experience the New IN the New Covenant of One firsthand, first-person this May in Tulsa. For additional information see the University website and theodore’s blog address below. Thank you.
University of The New Covenant
The University of The New Covenant places surrender at the center of all learning and leadership development and creativity. Tuition-free and grade-free, our theme is exploration and adventure. Admission is available not on the basis of creed, religion, or previous academic achievement, but surrender to the Standards of Love.
Each LESSON is part of The Educational System of the University of The New Covenant. Database One is the foundation that Database Two and Database Three build on. These 3 Databases form the Central Database of this University.
Each LESSON has a reference number such as 1.1.001 where the first digit denotes the Database, the second digit denotes the Volume, and the next numbers denote the LESSON number.
Listening to these lessons as they were spoken is very valuable to the understanding of them. LESSONS that have a Voice File Number shown in the lesson heading can be listened to at the University website. At the home page click on Audio Files.
The Fellowship of One are fellowship groups to study these words of Database One, Two, and Three. Each Fellowship group is a Chapter. Chapter 1 of the Fellowship of One is now meeting weekly 2pm Sunday’s at 302 South Sheridan Road in Tulsa Oklahoma USA.

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