I know how I want to love, and my love is unlimited, for you, to experience me, with love unlimited, being us, a one mind with, infinite ‘d, the infinite us coming forth in love tangible. Not in thought not, but time immemorial not, time before time was took place now shall be, anew.
I love you, with a thought, not; but mind, of pure love, tangible too. I have arms and hands and supplant your minds never, for you have only one for me, and I have one for you that yours is, not apart, not separate, from the love of one, that forms it. In love perfect love we live now, apart never.
That’s how I want to love you, infinite ‘ly. Infinitely yours, not; ours, who became the first us.
Infinite love is known now, forgiven and forgiving, who first loved us is us, and we again together are.
That’s how I want to love you: healed whole and well, and giving life to other not again, we become one, infinite love, perishing never.
I love you all.
Theodore Joseph Cottingham
April 27, 2017