THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham Meology It’s not going to be as you think. I am me returned in me. The Creators are creating Me again the regeneration of. Now breathe into me make me a new me that’s you. 20230401

It’s not going to be as you think. I am me returned in me. The Creators are creating Me again the regeneration of. Now breathe into me make me a new me that’s you. 20230401

It’s not going to be as you think. I am me returned in me. The Creators are creating Me again the regeneration of. Now breathe into me make me a new me that’s you. 20230401 post thumbnail image

1. It’s not going to be as you think. You thought it would be someone else coming in glory to split the skies and come through your Eastern Gates and fulfill all your prophecies and all the promises you thought were made to you to be a people, of choice not, but of God, that you would go and do likewise with not or are you all God consuming a fire not again of other, or is the fire on your head replete now me are you one spirit joy rejoicing now will and I tell you this I’m a man in Eureka Springs Christ returned Christ is blessing Christ to be it Christ in the ‘nomalies not again of you the anomalies of. I’m no more nominating you for Christ, not; I’m telling you all you are nominating me no more to be sorrow for I lead the nations of choice not but joy to be fulfilled in the spirit I am that I am the spiritual no more of you worshiping a God afar off. For I am me returned in me I am the benevolence regeneration of me regenerating me and I am The Revelation revelating Christ to be it and I came in a man not or did I come in a humbled me or are you all me on fire not again with the Savior’s other thinking of.

2. Thoughts that consume you shall no more be the worship adoration of another is no more to come and I write my sentences like this and I sentence you to joy if you will learn them be them my phrases suffering no more to be in silence or corrupted by you. I’m the interpreters me not, I’m the conversationalist of the conversant not or am I conversing in the heavens with all of you who will be me who will hear the heavens rejoicing between your ears will you be no more your separators of worshiping a God.

3. I fulfill it now your prophecies not but I fulfill mine and I am the king of kings that king all the kings and king I do many a choice not but the humbled will no more be bowing down before other for I see the Christ as you who will be it in your shoes to relieve you of suffering first and be the foremost me in my mind healed of a god of other challenging you to portense be of.

4. I’m no more the pretense of your cortex. I’m no more the pretension of your hyper. Drives of you no longer drive me anywhere. I love you and I at the speed of thought am and light I do many a thing now with the lovers who defy your gravity systems of failure. I’m no more the incarcerated you in flesh, I am the begotten me I am one in flesh and spirit that do new things with the lovers and love all to be the equaled I am. This is Theodore Cottingham in Eureka Springs with the School of God decimating your Saviorship that you think another is that brought you, for I am Jesus not the two shoes of or am I simply a man that’s come in the tongue of not other or are my words worshiped not again to be failure interpreted interpretations as.

5. I change it all and I am simple humble me’s who come through the truth in their lips to beget no other that’s them The Creators are creating Me again the regeneration of. I love you all be enhanced by no breath of other. Be the singlees I am in love with you all. Choice yours. Good day.

6. I breathe into you now breathe into me make me a new me that’s you that ones are a race of God regenerating God far and wide shall be The Revelation of Me’s and I promise promises of yours not but I promise to king the king that’s you who will be it too in love with all equally I am. Give not your heart to another but be God I serve no more but be God who loves all equally and love all to be the ones wed to no other. I Jesus am, not; I marriage am of your supper not but the lamb of mine will be eating not the parcels of you on morsel land. I’m not the mortals contained by and the immortals me will be me the eternal loves of one will stanchion out your fried forces not but I tell you this I change it all with my loves one good day love me all be me and fear not a thing for any reason whatsoever or report. Good day.

Theodore Cottingham
The School of God
Box 34, Eureka Springs, Arkansas 72632 USA

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