I am becoming the man I am, not tainted by thee, controlled by thee, or supported by thee, to be other, than the real I am. Needing me not, I support you not, I am me controlled by no one. I am my source me. For no others words I live. I am supported by my words, my life, blood of me, is my word, I am. Of thee, I’m not anymore, of this world? Of yours? Of mine, I am. I am am. I am me, becoming to be, I am, the signature of, and my name’s Theodore. What’s yours? O Great Mind? Of One.
I love you to be the man I am, not; the woman. I am both and, a manifest me. I am Meonics one I teach, about this now, that I’ve landed upon, earth? I am earthlings not again bound to. I am out upon the stars of me, teaching starland is not again off upon another, ignoramusly. I am education, of me; the light of, me, is me, sourcing one, source of. I need not your words to live, I have mine. Thank you very much, my mind is healed from you, who want to control mine. I am controlless now. Thank you very much me, who I’ve become now, the words of. I taught me, to become a man not again depending on woman for anything, or have I become a woman, who needs nothing from each, or have I become each other, a spirit in a life too? That has one? Of each, not; but precious notwithstanding all you think of me?
I am life light and peace, and my name is Theodore, King of Kings, kinging it in the girls, men too, who will love each other equally, and be one, of bothville, Kingville in, kinging it all, not; but who meaneth me, to be me? I am one with me, maturing it. I am one life, the force of nature, one. I am natural, ala naturale me. I am not carted by you, but I support, you not, I support love, and love I breed, breathe, everywhere, into the “troops” of me. My neurons “support” you not, I am you. I am am. With no life apart from you, I am the Creator’s am. I am creation: me, who creates me, creates it, not apart from me, my mind with.
I love you all, and my name is Theodore, King of Kings kinging it in the who will be me, loving each other, standard of one, standardized to be the Kings thou art. A knowledgeable one now, let all come within thy purview not, but thou kingship to be married not to another, but to wisdom, peace, center ‘d of me, and me has all peace, surrendered to be it. I kingly make the marriage of thee, to thee, to have one mind centered on peace, notwithstanding all others words, against thee or not. I bring peace, with a sword of, peace, only. I meek am, notwithstanding all your instruments of war. I war not with you. I war not in you. I am one mind, sick not for love again. I am the lovely, loveliest of all. I am surrender, to be the King of Kings, in spite of love, not; but purveying it everywhere, with the love I am, the words of, to. I give them you. Will you be me too? I am one mind, in love with everyone, who will be, know, my love for all. Nancy’s too.
Theodore Joseph Cottingham
May 6, 2017