THE MEONICS COVENANT of Theodore Cottingham All Stripping down to nothing, but love

Stripping down to nothing, but love

Stripping down to nothing, but love post thumbnail image

I have been becoming more naked for years. I had much stuff, on me. In me, I was naked not, with me; I saw me as a person with stuff, a vision, passion, and people of friends. Now I have no stuff, almost; I have a laptop computer and a few clothes, and most of my closets are empty. But I am full, of love. I stripped down, for you to love me, not; but become me, without stuff stuffing me full of my stuff of thoughts and thoughts of stuff wanting me more. I want no more. I have given up want. It fashions my memory of who I am no more. I fashion me, in my fashion. And I want want, to go away, not; I want differently.

I want love more than anything, not; I gave it up too. I became me naked, saw me in light, and the creator emerged, that was me, I am. No longer in love with stuff, defined me by stuff, I become not again.

It’s costly to strip down, naked. You give up everything, and you get everything you ever dreamed of, not; you get you, face to face, with you. Without all the thought of other plastering you with it, you see your home as yourself, not four walls with. The thought world, goes bye bye, that taught you to respect it, love it, and give it your soul. I give not my soul to another, I eradicated it. It wants me no more into oblivion tricking me, into buying what I don’t want, when I want love more. Or did I want love more? Than what? De-trickery? Deceivery? Can I learn I can not deceive myself? I cannot deceive myself, not; I can, but I choose not to, but the cost of giving up deceivery is the cost of giving up want, where want no more supercedes love, the preeminent value I want.

I want? There I go again, wanting. I want your love, but maybe I respond differently. I do I want to love you? Do I want love to be rewarded, again? How so, O Lover?

I want freedom, to be free.

I want want to control me no more, so I must develop a vocabulary and word system to free me from that which I think I want no more 🙂

I change my beliefs.

My beliefs change my words. Or do my words change my beliefs? Or feelings? Experiences? Knowings? Revelation? New knowledge? Application? Diction grammar O How Powerful you are, no more over me.

I want freedom free, and I will free it. To be thee, who love is.

I want love more than anything, not; I want freedom for my people, who is all of thee, from planet earth. Earth shall no more incarcerate thee. I want love freed, and freed love, will free, it.

Living naked, is not about clothes, it’s about the authenticity we live with. With ourselves. With each other. Internally. Externally too.

Theodore Cottingham
© April 26, 2017

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